No... (Bucky Barnes)

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Y'all are gonna hate me for this one....


A mission. Is what you and Bucky were doing right now. On a freaking mountain that had a thousand foot drop off the side of a cliff.

The rest of the team was also there. Fighting against these people who were out to destroy the world.

You and your boyfriend, Bucky were paired together and you guys were near the edge of the cliff. As you fought a couple dudes, you were getting closer and closer to the edge. You killed the two guys and went to take a step back from them ans your foot went over the edge and you slipped. You screamed and quickly grabbed onto the roots of the tree that were sticking out of the ground.

"Bucky!" You screamed. He looked over at you and his eyes widened. He quickly fought off the people who were surrounding him and raced over to where you were, sliding onto his chest to grab you.

He grabbed your arms and you grabbed onto his arms in return.

"Guys! I need help!" Bucky yelled.

"Don't let me fall. Don't let me fall." You pleaded and stared at him, tears in your eyes.

"I won't. I won't. I promise doll. Just keep a tight hold on me. Ok?" Bucky cooed to sooth you.

You nodded but kept repeating it over and over again. And Bucky kept trying to keep you calm. Your hands started to slip and you become more frantic. Bucky readjusted his grip so it was a bit tighter.

"Bucky, Bucky. Please please please." You pleaded as you kept slipping.

"STEVE!" Bucky yelled over his shoulder and then turned back to you.

"It's alright. I've got you. I've got you." He repeated over and over.

"I don't wanna go. I don't wanna die." You cried as tears slid down your face. (SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME)

"You aren't gonna die." Bucky reassured.

Steve started running over but he wasn't fast enough to reach you and Bucky in time.

"I love you Bucky. I love you so much." You cried as your fingers began to slip from Bucky's.

"I love you too, (Y/N). I love you so much." A few tears slipped down Bucky's cheeks.

You smiled faintly at the love of your life before your fingers finally left his, your scream echoing as you fell down to your doom. Bucky watched helplessly and his hands kept gripping onto nothing but air. Steve stopped next to him with the team behind Steve when they heard your scream.

"No..." Bucky mumbled as the tears fell from his eyes. Your scream fell quiet and everyone hung their heads. Even the Hulk was sad.

"No..." Bucky whispered one last time. He closed his eyes as saw your slight smile after he told you the last sentences you would ever hear.


Ok. Imma leave now before y'all kill me

Till next time my fellow Stan Girls!

<3 BuckysGirl42

* Runs away as fast as Pietro *

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