Chapter 2

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Camila violently trembles as she forces herself to curl up even smaller against the brick wall, her alert, wide eyes flickering to every single sound she hears.

It was late, so the fear of being out alone by herself in a place she had never set foot in before was terrifying, but the fear of being found by her dad was even bigger, so despite the tears dripping down her cheeks and her want to be somewhere warm, she stays put, hidden from everyone and everything that passed.

Well, not everyone.

Just a few feet away, Lauren was making her way down the small alleyway, her apartment door just meters away from the trembling girl. The woman goes as normal unlocking her door, but she stops in her tracks when she see's a small figure move in the corner of her eye.

She was about to quickly up it and rush inside, not knowing who the person was or what they wanted, but when she see's it's only a young girl, she refrains from doing that in fear of scaring her.

"Hey...are you okay?" She asks quietly, pulling her keys out of the lock and back into her pocket.

The small figure jumps at her words, and Lauren has to hold back her gasp of shock when she takes in the girls face. She couldn't see properly because of the dark, but she could very well see the swelling and bruises that marked the girls face.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you. What are you doing out here?" She asks in the same soft tone, gently closing the door again before crouching down in front of her.

Camila continues to stare, her eyes wide and filled with fear at what may occur with the woman in front of her.

"What's your name sweetheart? Can you tell me that?" Lauren tries as she shifts in place slightly, becoming the tiniest bit inpatient at the lack of words escaping the girls lips.

But all the small girl does is continue to stare, her brown eyes now filling with unshed tears that threaten to spill. Lauren holds back the want to comfort the girl and sighs lightly, running a hand through her hair. What the hell was she meant to do? She couldn't just leave her here, could she?

Drifting her attention back to the young girl, Lauren sends her a small smile and holds her hand out.

"Why don't you come inside with me? We can get you some blankets or maybe even a hot chocolate?" She asks gently, well aware of how risky what she's doing was. Yes, bringing a stranger into her home may not be the best thing to do, but she wasn't about to leave her by herself, not with how injured appears to be.

The girl shifts in place slightly, almost as if she was anticipating on whether or not she should agree and do what the woman has asks.

"C'mon sweetheart, I won't hurt you, I promise" Lauren almost begs.

Biting her bottom lip, Camila tentatively holds her pinky finger out.

"You want me to pinky promise?" Lauren asks, almost amused. Her small smile soon fades though when the girl in front of her all but sends her a pleading look, her finger still held out for Lauren to take.

Interlocking the girls smaller, cold, pinky in hers for a quick second, Lauren once again speaks, her voice serious, but soft, "I promise" she says again, wanting the girl to know she was serious.

Camila sends her one last look before reluctantly nodding her head, taking the woman's hand in hers and allowing herself to be stood up. She stumbles in place slightly, her legs wanting to give out from holding her weight up, but she soon gets her balance and sends the woman a nervous look.

Well, her chest. She was quite confident to make eye contact yet.

Lauren instantly notices how thin she is, petite even, but she holds back her want to ask about it and begins to lead the girl inside, wanting to get her out of the cold and into the warm.

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