Chapter 50

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The next few months flow smoothly for Lauren and Camila. They don't hear from Matthew again, and whilst Lauren was glad, she had to admit she was a tiny bit concerned at his sudden disappearance. It was like a switch had been clicked, because one moment he was there, threatening them, tormenting them, and the next, he was gone. Almost like he had never existed.

Camila took this change well though. She was beginning to get some of the confidence she once had back. The confidence Matthew had ripped away from her with no consideration whatsoever. Don't get her wrong, she was still pretty dependent on her when it came to most things she did, just like she always had been, but she had gained that little bit of independence back.

She was able to mostly take care of herself again when she was out of her headspace and this definitely made things easier for Lauren. Not that she minded looking after her baby, but it was nice not having to accompany her to the bathroom every hour.

Things were different when she was little though. Completely different. Before this whole Matthew thing she'd have to say the young girl was between the ages of two and three, but because of what he did to her, how he scarred her mentally, she was now barely acting a year old.

Lauren had to admit she both loved it and hated it. She loved it because she loved her little baby. The cuddles she got, the attachment, the constant nursing. But she missed her baby before. The one that was vocal. Told her what she wanted, needed. She had to guess these days and most of the time she couldn't really decipher what she actually wanted.

She had tried talking to big Camila about it, but she refused to talk either which annoyed her to no end.

Letting out a small sigh, she looks down at the young girl in her arms. She was curled up on top of her. The place she often laid as it was an easy place for her to listen to the comforting sound of her heartbeat. She'd been asleep for a little while now after yet another tantrum. A tantrum she had attempted so fix by placing her in the corner.

Turns out the girl had a unknown hatred towards the corner of the room and got herself worked up to the point of vomiting and because she refused to communicate and tell her what was wrong, Lauren was unable to sooth her.

In the end she'd had to pace around the room signing a lullaby underneath her breath and much to her relief that had calmed her down, and after a quick bath and change, she was quiet again. Staring into space like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Camila shifting on top of her brings her out of her thoughts, and she looks down just in time to see her eyes flickering open, her eyes shifting curiously around the room.

"Hi baby" she greets in a soft coo, placing a kiss to her head.

Camila grins shyly at her mama's voice, and she grips the top of her tank top between her small hands as she forces herself up into a sitting position. Lauren follows her lead and pushes herself up so she was sat against her headboard, pulling the girl close so she was once again settled against her chest.

"You gonna say hi to mama? Mhh? Can you be a big girl a use your voice?" Lauren pulls down the shirt that had ridden up Camila's back, resting her hands just above her diapered butt.

The small girl buries her face into her mothers neck, silently telling her that no, she wasn't going to speak and no, she wasn't going to use her big girl voice.

Lauren sighs and forces back the tears forming in her eyes, "we'll try again later" she forces the cheerfulness back into her voice so she didn't upset Camila too, "let's go see what there is for dinner" she pulls the girl closer before standing, shifting her onto her hip with ease.

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