Chapter 7

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After holding Camila close for a while, Lauren gently pulls her back and brings her hands up to wipe away her tears, "now, before we figure everything out, let get something to eat, okay? I don't know about you but I'm pretty hungry" She asks with a soft smile, leaning in to press a gentle kiss onto the youngsters forehead.

Camila sniffles and nods, managing a small smile of her own as she leans into the older woman's touch, closing her eyes content.

Lauren allows her lips to linger for a while, but after a few seconds, she pulls away and once again brings the girl to her chest, "I know this is gonna take some getting used to for the both of us, but I want you to have the childhood you've always dreamed of baby, and I'll do everything in my power to make it happen" She says, her voice a mere whisper.

She felt if she spoke any louder, she'd ruin the quiet atmosphere.

The youngster lifts her head up from the woman's chest and nods, leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek before once again burrowing herself into her chest.


A few hours later once the two had eaten and were ready for the day, they found themselves sitting on the couch, Camila sat contently on Lauren's lap whilst the woman holds her close.

"Alright, I know this is going to be hard, but we'll go slow, okay?" Lauren speaks as she runs her fingers through the youngsters hair, her phone in her free hand.

Camila nods against the woman's chest, her focus drifting between the hand running through her hair and the website that was loaded up on the phone that was being held a little away from her face.

Lauren smiles, "Good girl. Now, when you're in your headspace, how old do you think you are? If you're not sure, that's okay, I just think it'll be easier for when she get some stuff in for you" she explains.

Camila hesitates. Honestly, she wasn't really sure. She'd never actually been able to experiment with her headspace as she was hardly ever allowed to fall into it.

"I...I don't know" she whispers eventually, hoping Lauren wouldn't be mad.

"That's alright. I'm sure we'll figure it out once we're in some kind of routine hey? Now, why don't we order a few things on line and go from there?" Lauren asks, opening up a new page on google.

The youngster nods her head, grateful she wasn't being  told off. If this was her dad instead of Lauren, she was sure she wouldn't be able to sit for a week.

"Okay, why don't we just get simple things for now. I don't want to overwhelm you" Lauren announces, "now, tell me to stop when you see something you like, alright?" She continues as she adjusts the small girl in her arms slightly, beginning to scroll through a list of baby items that were made for children at heart.

Camila nods, excitement building up in her tummy. She gazes intently at the woman's phone for a few minutes while she scrolls, but soon, she see's an item that catches her eye causing her to tentatively reach out.

"See something you like sweetheart?" Lauren asks as she stops scrolling, bringing her attention to the youngster currently occupying her lap.

"The...the paci's" Camila shyly whispers.

Lauren internally awes and adds the pacifiers to her basket, "alright bug, lets carry on looking" she says softly, continuing to scroll.

Over the next half an hour, Camila picks out a few more items. She was shy about it, only speaking in barely a whisper, but the fact that she told Lauren what she wanted without hesitation made the woman proud.

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