Chapter 36

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Thank you all for the birthday messages on the last chapter, they all meant a lot 😘

This chapters a little shorter than normal as I literally wrote it within the span of an hour. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

(Continuation of the last chapter)


A few hours later when Lauren was in the kitchen preparing dinner, a loud whimper was heard from down the hall. Concerned, the woman immediately drops what she was doing and heads towards the sound, her eyebrows furrowed. When she speed walks past the bathroom, the whimpers seem to grow in volume.

"Camila, sweetheart, are you okay?" She calls after placing a few knocks on the door, her hand coming up to grab the handle as if she was preparing to knock the door if necessary.

When she was met with a soft cry in response, her maternal instincts kick in and she's quick to push the door open. She was greeted with the sight of the youngster stood in nothing but a t-shirt, and when she glances to the left, she see's why. The pull-up she was once wearing was now covered in blood.

Well, that definitely explains her attitude today.

"Oh baby, it's okay." Lauren starts as she rushes over to the youngster, quickly and securely wrapping her up in her arms. Small arms wrap around her waist in return, and she presses a soft kiss on her head, "Do you know what this is?" She asks after a second, not really knowing where else to start.

Camila nods softly against her chest. She did. She'd had it for a few months when she was thirteen, but when her mom passed away and her dad became abusive with her physically and mentally, she never saw it again.

"Alright baby, that saves mama a job. Do you want to wear her underwear with a pad? Or would you prefer a diaper? I don't mind which one you pick love, it's whatever you're comfortable with" Lauren explains, knowing they had to hurry this along before a mess was made.

Camila contemplates her words for a second. If she wore a pad, she would have to be responsible for changing it and right now, she felt anything but responsible. Instead, she felt small and vulnerable and just wanted to curl up on her mama's lap and nurse.

"Diaper" she mumbles before she could back out. Mama was an adult, she was more responsible than her and she decided that was enough of a reason to chose the latter instead of the former.

Lauren pulls her back slightly, "that's fine with me angel. Lay down on the floor and I'll go get a diaper" she says with a soft smile, waiting for Camila to comply before wondering into her room. After grabbing what she needed, she makes her way back to the bathroom and kneels down in front of the small girl.

She makes quick work of diapering her, and after making a mental note to change her a lot more often then she would normally, she grabs her hands and eases her up into a sitting position, "Mama's cooking dinner now. Do you want to help?" She asks as she stands, heading to the sink to wash her hands.

Camila shakes her head, "no mama. Tv?" She asks as she clumsily gets to her feet. Her tummy was hurting and she didn't want to do anything but lay down, preferably with mama, but she knew she couldn't do that right now and would make do with just the tv.

Well, that's if her show was on anyway.

Lauren nods, "of course. A movie? Or would you like your show?" She asks after she finishes drying her hands off, taking Camila's smaller hand in hers and leading her out of the room.

Once in the living room, camila collapses onto the couch on her tummy, "show mama" she whispers tiredly.

"Would you like a hot water bottle for your tummy?" The woman asks as she puts on Disney junior, setting the remote down onto the coffee table when the sound of blues clues fills the room.

When she see's the youngster was too into her show to answer her, she playfully rolls her eyes and leaves the room to go finish dinner. She decided earlier that Mac and cheese would be simple enough, so after putting the noddles on the stove and leading them to cook through, she begins with the cheese sauce.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lauren asks as she walks back to the backpack on Camila's bed from the closet, a pair of pants in her grasp. She folds them up neatly before placing them on top of the hoody and pull-ups that were already in there.

Camila looks up from her toys, and once she realises what her mama had said, she's quick to nod her head excitedly. She was going for a sleepover with Dinah! Sure, a part of hers was worried about being away from mama, but it would only be for the night and she was a big girl.

"Okay baby" Lauren sighs lightly as she finishes off packing. To say she was surprised when Camila came home with the news of wanting a sleepover with Dinah was an understatement, as normally, her baby didn't want to be more than a foot away from her.

She had agreed though, well reluctantly anyway as she didn't want to hold the youngster back from making friends and being social. Of course she had talked to her before hand, going over what was allowed and what wasn't (diapers and bottles etc) but didn't seem to faze the young girl as she was still put on going.

She has a feeling she's gonna get a call in the middle of the night from Dinah's mom saying to come pick Camila up, but hey, the youngster might surprise her and get through the night easily.

After placing a pair of socks on top of everything, she begins to zip the bag up, "you know once you're there mama won't be able to pick you up till tomorrow right?" She asks just to make sure, setting the bag down onto the floor before bringing her attention to Camila.

The girl nods, "yes mama" she mumbles. She was sure she could go a night without her diapers and nursing. She could be a big girl like everyone else if she wanted to.

Lauren sighs, "alright love, we've got to get going soon so would you like to have a quick nurse before?" She asks, running a hand through her hair.

Camila smiles eagerly at the woman's words, "please mama" she says as she stands up and holds her arms out, letting out a soft giggle when she was picked up with ease and carried out of the room.

Sitting herself down on the couch, Lauren manoeuvres the young girl so she was sat across her lap. For some weird reason, she was beginning to feel a little emotional. She didn't know why the sudden need to cry has come about without no warning, but she knew she had to force her tears back before she made Camila upset too.

"Go on angel, you know what to do" she murmurs as she pulls her shirt up, sliding an arm underneath Camila's small frame to support her whilst her free hand comes up to pat the girls pull-up clad bottom.

She had wanted normal underwear on, but after reminding her about how high of a risk an accident was, she had immediately backtracked with wide eyes.

As Camila latches on and her eyes close in content, Lauren allows herself to take a deep breath to try and calm herself down. She was worrying for nothing, she knew that, but she couldn't help it.

This was the first time since Camila had come into her care was she actually spending more than an hour away from her, and for some reason, that terrified her as she didn't how how the girl was going to cope by herself.

Knowing she has to stop doubting her, the woman looks down at her and presses soft kiss onto her forehead. Camila's eyes bleary blink open at the feeling of the woman's lips against her forehead, and as her mama begins to gently begins to caress her cheek with her pointer finger, she manages a soft smile around her breast.

Milk dribbles down her chin at the action, and Lauren was quick to wipe it away. Yeah, this would be okay.


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