Chapter 47

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A few days later, things were slowly going back to normal. Well, as normal as being tormented by a grown man and feeling unsafe in your own home could get anyway. Her mom had called to apologise which she appreciated, and while she and Camila had forgiven her for what she had done, she still wasn't quite ready to bring her back into their home.

"Camila, dinners ready sweetheart!" She calls as she sets two plates of lasagne down onto the dining table, setting a fork and a cup of water down next to it. She also places a booster seat down onto Camila's usual seat, a purchase she had made a little over a week ago when they had come across it shopping.

She would have used it sooner but with Camila's current clinginess, it was next to impossible.

A few minutes later, small footsteps made their way down the hall and into the kitchen and in appeared Camila, still dressed in the diaper and shirt Lauren had put on this morning,

"Hi baby. You ready to come eat?" She asks, holding her arms open.

Camila nods and rushes into her mama's arms, allowing herself to be lifted. She grins because thinks her mama's going to let her sit down on her lap like she's done countless times before, but when she was instead sat down and strapped into a padded booster seat, she whines unhappily, the frown disappearing from her face

Lauren gently strokes her cheek, "I know, you're okay munchkin. Eat up your dinner for mama" she says comfortingly, scooting the girls plastic plate a little closer to her whilst tucking a small hand towel down the front of her shirt.

Letting out a disgruntled whine at not getting her way, Camila crosses her arms against her chest causing the woman in front to roll her eyes playfully.

"Come on baby, be a good girl for mama and eat your yummy dinner. I'll hold you once you're done, I promise" Lauren tries, taking a a biter her own food in hopes it would encourage Camila to try some too.

She does, eventually, and although the pout still remains on her face, she makes quick work of clearing her plate. By times she's done, there wasn't a part of her that wasn't orange. Lasagne sauce littered her shirt despite the towel there, her face, including her cheeks, forehead and nose, and her hands.

Knowing she couldn't get mad at her because she did what she was told, Lauren clears the plates from the table, "looks like somebody enjoyed their food" she chuckles as she crouches down in front of the youngster with a packet of baby wipes in her hands.

Over the fact that she wasn't allowed to sit on her mama's lap, Camila gives her a big cheesy grin and holds her arms out to be held.

"In a minute monkey, let mama clean you off a little first. Here, arms up" Lauren encourages, grabbing the bottom of the girls shirt, washing for Camila comply before lifting the once white but now orange item of clothing off of her body.

She tosses it to the side and gets to work if trying to rid the orange sauce from Camila's body, "alright, I think that should do it" she mumbles as she places the several baby wipes she had used into the trash, "mama might have to invest in some bibs huh?" She teases, unbuckling the small girl and lifting her up into her arms before heading straight to the bathroom with the intention of giving her a bath.

Camila frowns and shakes her head, "no bib mama" she says with a small pout.

Lauren gently, yet innocently pecks the pout away, "alright, but you'll have to promise mama you'll try and stay clean" she says, crouching down in front of the tub with Camila sat on her legs.

She knew the promise would be futile as Camila would end up covered in food again no matter what, but that didn't really matter too much.

Camila nods seriously taking her promise to heart. She leans over slightly and places her hand into the tub, smiling at the feel of the warm water against her skin, "in mama?" She asks hopefully.

Lauren smiles softly and stops the water, "of course munchkin. Let's just get this diaper off of you first." She explains, rising to her feet with the small girl in her arms. She gently sets her down onto her feet before untaping her diaper, rolling it up and tossing it into the trash.

"Okay, in you go" She coos, lifting her by her armpits before setting her down onto her butt into the floor of the tub. She's carful to mind the faint bruises that litter her backside, knowing they were still quite painful both physically and mentally.

Grabbing the shower head, Lauren begins to wet Camila's main of hair, "still wanna watch a movie with mama tonight?" She asks, reaching for the shampoo that was sat on the side of the tub.

Looking up from playing with a small rubber duck, Camila nods with a grin, "Nurse too?" She asks, bringing a hand up to rub at her eye.

Lauren grins, "of course" she nods, reaching for the conditioner.

The rest of bath time was quick and soon enough, she's lifting Camila's small frame out of the tub and wrapping her in a hooded towel, "go wait in my room baby, mama will be there in a second" she says, sending her off with a soft pat to the butt.

When Camila was out of the room, she gets to work on quickly clearing up. She places all of the toys back into the small bucket underneath the cupboard, clears up any splashes of water that had somehow escaped the tub and after wiping off the mirrors, she was on her way to her room.

When she got there, she was met with Camila laying down on the end of the bed. Her blanket was in her grasp and so was her pacifier. She looked just about ready to drift off.

Knowing she needed to at least let her nurse before she fell asleep, she grabs a diaper and a body suit out of her closet and places down down next to her, "somebody's sleepy huh?" She asks softly, as she begins to dry off Camila's body with the spare towel she had brought in with her.

Too tired to fight her, Camila nods, "sleepy mama" she agrees, allowing her hips to be lifted and a diaper to he place underneath her before letting her body go limp again.

"I see that baby girl." Lauren coos, bringing the front of the diaper up and securing both tabs to it. She checks to make sure it's secure before grabbing the bodysuit and gently easing Camila up into a sitting position, pulling off her towel.

"Such a good girl" she praises, happy that Camila wasn't fighting her. After making quick work of buttoning up the crotch snaps, she sits herself at the top of her bed with the small in her arms. She shifts slightly to get comfortable before lifting up her shirt and allowing Camila to latch on.



Lauren looks up from her laptop briefly, "what's wrong love?" She asks, writing something down on the small notepad that was next to her.

Camila, who was actually dressed today in a pair overalls and a long sleeved shirt, looks nervously down at her feet, "can...can Dinah come round today? I'm bored mama and we've been stuck inside for days" she complains when she see's the woman frown at her words.

Lauren sighs heavily, "Okay, go give her a call. Make sure her mom walks her to the door though" she warns sternly, sending Camila a pointed look before bringing her attention back to her laptop.

Her immediate reaction would have been no, but Camila was right, she couldn't keep her stuck inside forever. Sure, it was risky, but as they hadn't seen or heard from Matthew in over two weeks, she deems taking the chance was okay thing to do.


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