Chapter 23

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"Camila, time to go sweetheart!" Lauren calls from down the hall as she rifles through Camila back pack, wanting to be sure she hadn't forgot anything that would be important on a first day of school.

Last night had been rough, so much so that Lauren was dreading dropping Camila off today. First, the youngster refused to go to bed at her decent bedtime of nine o'clock resulting in a time out, next she cried for hours on end and nothing Lauren did comforted her enough to calm her down, and lastly, she had got little to no sleep.

Things this morning had been okay so far with Lauren only having to give Camila few warnings, but glancing at the clock and seeing it was nearly time to go and there was still sign of her, Lauren guesses the good streak of luck was gone.

Sighing, she places the backpack on one of the dining chairs before walking down the hall to Camila's room. She knocks a few times for privacy, and when she walks in, she was greeted with the youngster sat on her bed not having moved from where Lauren had placed her earlier.

"Sweetheart, we're going to be late. Did you brush you teeth like I asked?" She asks with a sigh as she walks over to her and crouches down, gently cupping her chin and easing her head up so they were face to face.

All Camila does is shrug, not giving a plausible answer to the woman's question.

"C'mon, work with me here Camila. We've got to leave soon so please be a good girl and brush your teeth." She asks, unknowingly feeling the pent up frustration leave her body as she stands up, grabbing youngster by underneath her arms and lifting her up.

Her initial cause for carrying her was to get her to cooperate before they ran late, but Camila takes it as a sign of comfort and immediately wraps her body around her own, clinging onto it tightly as she begins to shake with the force of her sobs.

"Baby..." Lauren trails off, not knowing what to do. She brings her one arm down to support the girl whilst the other runs soothingly up and down her sweater clad back.

"Just do one day, one day baby and if you really don't get on with it I'll find another option, okay? Just please try, for me" She says, not wanting to put the small girl through the unknown fear of school any longer.

Camila doesn't say anything, but she does nod her head making Lauren sigh in relief. She presses a soft, lingering kiss to her forehead before gently setting her down onto the floor.

"Go brush your teeth, I'll help you put on your shoes when your done" She murmurs, gently stroking Camila's cheek before heading out of the room.

Camila waits for her mama...Lauren to leave the room before once again allowing the tears to fall from her already watery eyes. She hated this, she hated this so much that she just wanted to run away and hide. But she couldn't, she had promised ma-Lauren that she would at least try one day, and she couldn't go back on her word.

So she wipes away her tears, she forces the sobs in the back of her throat to leave and she pushes back her want to just crawl back into her mama's arms.

She couldn't be little right now, no matter how badly she wanted to be.

Soon enough, her teeth were brushed and shoes were and the two were making their way out of the door. Lauren was practically dragging Camila behind her, (gently of course) and as soon as they get to the car, she had to physically lift Camila inside and buckle up her seatbelt.

Sure, Camila had promised she'd try to go in for the day, but that didn't mean she was going to be cooperative or happy about it.

"Alright, time to go" Lauren murmurs as she gets in the car herself, sticking the keys into the ignition to turn the car on before buckling her seat belt and pulling out of her parking space.

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