Chapter 15

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When Lauren gets home nearly eight hours later after a gruelling day, she was met with silence. Not really expecting any different, she drops her bag to the floor before heading into the kitchen to make herself a coffee. She see's the plate of toast eaten, making her smile softly. Maybe Camila had finally eaten something.

Letting out a sigh and blowing softly cup of coffee to cool it, she takes a tentative sip, sighing in relief.

Deciding to go find Camila, she sets her drink down onto the side and heads to her room, pushing the door open. She frowns when she's met with emptiness and a still perfectly made bed, half expecting to find the small girl in here fast asleep like she had been the past few times.

Sighing softly, she heads to the bathroom, her eyes widening in shock when she see's Camila led on the floor with tear stains on her cheeks, her eyes red and swollen.

Eventually, the smell of vomit reaches her nostrils causing her to scrunch up her nose in disgust. She walks closer to the girl, seeing the still unflushed toilet filled with...lovely. She flushes it, the action causing the small girl on the floor to stir and whimper, shifting her position so she was curled up small instead of on her tummy

"Baby..." She trails off softly, running a hand through her hair. Before she could do anything, Camila once again stirs but this time sits up, her own eyes widening in surprise when she see's Lauren stood in front of her.

"Mama" She says brokenly, her bottom lip for the third time this day, quivering as she desperately reaches her arms out to be held.

Tears burning in her own eyes, Lauren kneels down and doesn't hesitate to pull the youngster into her arms. Camila whimpers at the pain the action causes to her sore butt, but either way she clings tightly to the woman and allows herself to sob freely.

Her mama had finally come back.

"Shhh, it's okay baby, it's okay. I've got you. I'm sorry" Lauren murmurs as she wraps her arms soothingly round Camila. The young girl was trembling heavily in her arms, her sobs almost violent as she struggles to breath and catch her breath. She hooks an arm underneath the girl, taking note of how Camila once again whimpers at the touch as she stands up and holds the girl close to her.

"Mama!" Camila cries desperately, trying to get as close as she could to the woman as she's carried out of the room.

"Mama's got you baby girl, mama's got you, it's okay" Lauren attempts to sooth, laying the girl down onto the bed. Camila's sobs worsen at that action, her face beginning to turn red as she squirms unhappily.

"I know I know, just let mama get this diaper off and I'll hold you again, shhh" Lauren reassures, un taping the diaper. She was met with red raw skin causing her to punch herself internally, but before she could say anything, Camila sits up and crawls to her, her expression desperate as she sobs heavily.

Without hesitation, she lifts the girl into her arms, her legs hooking tightly round her waist.

"Mama's got you baby, it's okay, shh" She she attempts to sooth, "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" she adds in a murmur, trying to stop her own tears from falling as she paces round the room.

Camila arms were tight around her neck, her hands fisting her shirt as she clings to as much of her as she possibly could. It takes a while, but eventually, the youngster begins to calm down. Her sobs ease as well as her grip, and she lays limp in Lauren's arms, her body still trembling.

"Hurts" She whimpers, bringing her thumb up to her mouth before suckling softly. She didn't know where her pacifier was.

Lauren nods in understanding, "I know angel, mama's gonna fix it, okay? But I'm going to have to set you down for just a second.

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