Chapter 52

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Camila splashes happily at the sink as Lauren gets the ingredients for the cookies ready, suds of soap sticking to her skin from her fingertips all the way up to her elbows. She had originally wanted to help mama get things ready, but after her mama offered playing with soap and water at the sink, she had suddenly changed her mind.

In reality, it was just a way Lauren knew her hands would actually be clean. The young girl tended to just briskly run her hands underneath the warm water when told to wash her hands any normal time, and as Lauren was planning on saving the bulk of the cookies for the family dinner tomorrow, she didn't want her baby's hands that had been in her mouth touching the food, especially when she was still pretty sniffly from her cold.

"Alright my sweet one, I'm sure your hands are nice and clean now" Lauren stops the water and reaches for a towel, making quick work of drying the now pruny hands off.

Camila allows her to do so as she looks curiously around the kitchen from her place on the counter, her legs kicking happily. She had never baked before, so it was safe to say she was pretty exited.


"Yes love?" Lauren makes quick work of washing her own hands, a smile on her face.

Camila plays with a loose thread on her shirt, "wan' cookie now" She murmurs distractedly, her legs still absentmindedly kicking.

Lauren dries off her hands before scooping Camila into her arms and setting her down next to where the cookie ingredients were set out, "you may have a few when they're cooked baby. There not going to be very nice if you eat them before that" she grabs the glass bowl and reaches for one of the two eggs.

"You wanna do it?" She holds it out.

Camila shyly scrunches up her shirt with her hands, "don' know how mama" her cheeks turn a soft shade of red.

"It's okay peanut, watch mama" she cracks the egg with ease on the side of the bowl before cracking it open, watching as the contents falls into the otherwise empty glass before tossing the shell into the garbage.

Although still a little shy, Camila takes the other egg and repeats her mama's steps. She taps it against the side of the bowl, and when it cracks, she sticks her thumbs into the opening and pulls it apart, watching entranced as it falls in to join the other one.

"Well done baby" Lauren praises when her baby looks at her with a proud grin on her face, taking the shell from her and disposing of it.

She makes quick work of adding the other dry ingredients not wanting to make too much of a mess, and after it forms into a dough, she covers the side in flower and places it down before beginning to kneed it.

"Alright lovely, you wanna finish that off for me?" She sets the now empty glass bowl into the sink before placing her hands underneath the girls under arms, ready to lift her if she wanted.

Camila of course eagerly nods, allowing herself to be lifted off the side and placed in front of the soon to be cookies. She again repeats exactly what her mama did, and soon enough, they were separating the dough into small balls on a baking tray.

"Done now mama?" She watches as the woman places the full tray into the preheated oven, lifting her now unoccupied hands towards her mouth.

Lauren was quick, yet gentle to grab them before they could make it to their destination and leads the tiny brunette towards the sink, "after about twenty minutes in the oven peanut" she reaches for the faucet and turns on the water, guiding Camila's hands underneath it.

The last thing she wanted was for the girl to get salmonella poisoning. She already had enough tummy troubles as it is.

Camila pouts, but nods, letting her hands be washed. Once dried, and turns round in place and pleadingly holds her arms up.

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