Chapter 13

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Please don't hate me lol



At the quiet disturbance to the peaceful atmosphere, Lauren looks up from her book and places it face down on her lap so she wouldn't lose her place, her expression curious, "What is it sweetheart? It's late and you should be fast asleep by now" she asks, keeping her voice soft.

Camila's bottom lip trembles as she shifts in place, "my tummy hurts" she whimpers, a single tear falling down her cheek.

"Shh it's okay, let mama hold you for a little while mmhh? I'm sure that'll make you feel a little better" Lauren says with a small pout of sympathy, reaching forward to set her book down onto the coffee table before holding her arms out.

With only a small bit of hesitance lingering in her body language, Camila quickly rushes to her mama and allows herself to be pulled onto her lap, curling up small against her chest.

"There we go, good girl" Lauren murmurs, pulling a blanket off the back of the couch and bringing it up to cover the youngsters bare legs, all the while gently rocking her in her arms.

Camila sighs contently and rests her head on the woman's chest, comfort filling her whole entire body. She thinks Lauren's arms were her favourite place to be, because they were there when she was upset, when she was sad or moody, or simply just wanting to be held. They were comforting too and made her feel the safest she's ever been in her whole life. She knows they won't hurt her, she knows they won't make her feel worthless or belittle her like her dads did, they were safe...they were almost like home.

At her thoughts, she curls closer up to Lauren and brings her hand up to tightly grip her shirt.

"I've got you baby, mama's got you"

And that was all she needed to here before she felt herself falling asleep.


"I'm sorry Alejandro but I'm not able to come in today, I'm still sorting situation at home" Lauren explains as she holds her phone to her ear, stuffing as much laundry into the washing machine as she could before closing the door with her leg and walking out of the room.

She hears her boss sigh, "This is the second day in a row Jauregui, you miss another day, you're fired." The line cuts dead.

"Asshole" Lauren mutters underneath her breath as she tosses her phone to the couch, heading back to Camila's bedroom to go wake her and get her ready for the day.

Yes, she had actually managed to put her to bed in her own room last night. It had took a while as Camila immediately woke and started to get upset when out of her arms, but she had managed to get her to stay and sleep by herself with some bribing and a promise of ice cream.

As Camila was still snoozing on the bed, seeming content, she heads to her dresser to pick out her outfit. She contemplates between a romper and dress, but eventually decides on the romper and pulls it out the dresser along with a clean diaper and the packet of baby wipes.

 She contemplates between a romper and dress, but eventually decides on the romper and pulls it out the dresser along with a clean diaper and the packet of baby wipes

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