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Lauren felt like she had been at the hospital for hours. The doctors were running test after test to try and figure out what was wrong. Blood tests, X-rays, MRI's. You name it, Camila was getting it. The fact that she only thought it was a fever was what was getting her, because apparently, when the young girl was being examined, they found bruises littering her whole body from her head to her feet.

She of course hadn't noticed them, but how could she? When she had gotten her changed earlier, there was no sign of anything.

No marks, no bruises, nothing that would suggest that something was wrong with her. So it was safe to say alarmed was the only thing she felt when she had caught a glance at them when the nurses had changed her from her clothes and into a gown.

Ripping her gaze away from the poster she had almost memorised from how long she had been waiting, she lets out a heavy sigh and rises to her feet whilst running a hand through her hair.

"Miss Jauregui?"

Lauren whips her head up at the sound of her name, her heart pounding in both relief and worry when she see's who had just greeted her.

"All tests have come back clear, we're just waiting on the MRI. You're welcome to go see her. She's been pretty upset" the doctor looks up from his clipboard, gesturing his hand behind him to the cubicle Lauren knew Camila be in.

After thanking him, Lauren grabs the changing bag from the floor and speed walks to the small cubicle. She tentatively moves the curtain, letting out a small sigh or pure relief when she see's her baby wide eyed and alert.

At the sound of the curtain moving, Camila looks up from her lap, her lips forming a grin when she see's her mama step through the small gap the curtain provided. The tears on her cheeks were still wet, showing that she had cried for quite some time, but that didn't seem to matter too much now she knew her mama was there to comfort her.

"Hi my baby. How are you feeling?" Lauren perches on the end of the hospital bed on the side the metal railing wasn't up, taking Camila's bandaged covered hand in hers and leaning forward to press a soft, lingering kiss to her head.

Camila sniffles, "scared mama" she whispers, her eyes filling with a new round of tears.

Lauren reaches out to catch them before they could fall, trailing the pad of her thumb over the soft skin, "I know peanut, but mama's here now, okay? I've got you and I'm never going to let you go" she shifts herself so she was sat on the bed next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and allowing the small girls head to settle against her chest as she leans down and once again presses her lips to her forehead.

The small girl clings to her mama as she finally allows her heart to stop hammering, taking in her soothing, familiar scent that was surrounding her.

Everything was going to be fine.


Or so she thought. No more a than an hour later a regretful looking doctor knocks in the door before walking in, clipbored in hand. He looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. Like he had just heard the worst news of his life and was thinking of ways to break it to them without losing it.

"Camila Jauregui?" He questions, waiting for Lauren's nod of confirmation before grabbing a visitors chair and placing himself down onto it. He then pauses for a few seconds, looking unsure. A deep breath was taken, then another before he finally speaks.

"I regret to inform you that in the blood test we took, we found a lot of abnormal white blood cells"

Lauren freezes, her heart beat heavy in her ears.

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