Chapter 32

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It's finally happening! Enjoy!


As soon as Camila was in a fresh diaper and Lauren had washed her hands and used the bathroom herself, she carries the youngster into the living room knowing they had to talk about last night. She didn't bother making her put pants or forcing her to get dressed for the simple fact they weren't leaving the house or doing anything today.

After quickly preparing a bottle for after, she sits herself down on the couch with Camila straddling her lap. She figures whatever's bugging the youngster will come out easier if she was being soothed and had the comfort she needed.

"So..." she starts, wrapping both arms around Camila's waist, "wanna tell mama what's going on? What's got you so worried?" She asks, leaning her chin on top of Camila head that was laying on her chest.

Camila plays nervously with the drawstring of her mama's sweater, "I don't want you to get mad or punish me" she whispers reluctantly, not quite having the courage to speak up and admit what what wrong just yet.

Lauren purses her lips, "I promise I won't get mad sweetheart, as long as you didn't do anything that would hurt either yourself or anyone else." She murmurs after considering all her options, "and as far as punishing you goes, I can't promise I wont, but I will promise to hear you out." She finishes after a second of thinking, knowing thang if it was something serious, punishment was going to have to happen.

The youngster nods in understanding, "the fight yesterday, I...I lied to you when I said I didn't do anything" she whispers as tears fill her eyes, a single one escaping and falling down her cheek leaving a shiny trail. Her heart was pounding and she was terrified what her mama's reaction would be to her words. Would she hit her?

Lauren raises her eyebrows in surprise, "you did huh? What did you lie about?" She asks, making sure to keep on with the soothing action of rubbing her hand up and down her back. Surprisingly, she didn't feel mad at her yet, but that was probably because she didn't know the whole story.

Another tear falls down her cheek, "I pushed her after she punched me, Dinah was with me but I made her promise not to tell. I'm sorry" Camila apologises, sniffling quietly as she brings her hand up to wipe away her tears.

"So you did retaliate?" Lauren asks quietly.

Camila nods her head, hating the fact her mama sounded so disappointed.

The green eyed girl sighs, "thank you for finally telling me the truth sweetheart. I understand why you did what you did but I don't want it happening again, okay? And if anything happens that's remotely similar, I need you to go find a teacher and let them deal with it" She says, deciding that there's really no point in punishing the youngster when she was probably punishing herself enough.

Camila once again nods her head and sits up in her mama's arms, bringing her arms up to wrap securely around her neck so she could give her a hug.

Lauren returns the embrace and presses a kiss to her head, "now, lets go do something fun, okay? Make the most of your day off" she says with a teasing smirk as she pulls the smaller girl away from her.

The youngster blushes, "can i...never mind" she starts before cutting herself off and embarrassingly burying her head into the woman's chest. She should really stop second guessing herself.

"No no, what is it sweetheart? It's okay, you can tell mama" Lauren reassures, gently easing the girls head up so they were making eye contact. Camila's eyes held nervousness and fear, making her frown in confusion. Why was she so scared?

"I was just wondering if maybe...we could try uhhh, nursing today?" Camila wonders shyly as she breaks eye contact, both cheeks turning a light shade of red. She knows that answer would probably be a no and that's what she was so embarrassed about. Being rejected.

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