Chapter 22

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As soon as they get home from the mall and as soon as Camila was in the safety of her own home, she immediately makes a move to grab her pacifier and bottle from where they had been placed in the kitchen before rushing off to her bedroom. After a small accident at the mall, (which may or may not have been on purpose), Lauren had placed her back a diaper which had filled her whole body with relief.

So now, for the first time in three days, she was going to allow herself to slip. She knew Lauren may have something so say about it, but right now, she didn't care. She was desperate to be little and she wasn't going to let anyone stop her.

She lets out a heavy sigh and places her pacifier in her mouth, and whilst she suckles, she makes quick work of kicking off the jeans she had been placed in just hours earlier.

Left in just a diaper, Camila finally allows herself to just slip.

Lauren sighs with a small smile as she watches Camila rush of towards the back of the apartment, placing the two bags of school supplies down onto the counter. She could tell the small girl had been fighting slipping for the past hour or so, even more since she had been placed in a diaper from the accident she had and as much as Lauren wanted to reassure her that it was okay to slip whilst in public, she couldn't.

Leaving the still unpacked bags on the side, Lauren shrugs off her jacket before walking down to Camila's room. She knocks before walking in, and she's greeted with an obviously very little Camila.

The youngster was on her tummy, pacifier in her mouth and bottle in hand, but Lauren could tell she wasn't asleep by the almost too often flickering eyelids.

"Hi angel" she murmurs softly as she perches on the end of the bed, resting her hand on the small of her tank top clad back before leaning down to press a kiss on her forehead.

Camila tenses at the touch and almost reluctantly opens her eyes. She goes to pull her pacifier out of her mouth, almost as if she was going to force herself to be big again, but Lauren stops and reassures her by shaking her head.

"No baby, you're okay" she murmurs, tucking a strand of baby hair out of her face, "you're still allowed to be little Camila" she starts, knowing this is what the small girls been worrying about,"but we've just got to get you into some sort of a routine to make it easier on the both of us." She finishes.

Camila looks relived at her words, and she's quick to squirm up into a sitting position, holding her arms out to be held.

Lauren easily lifts her onto her lap, "mama's not going to be taking anything anyway from you baby, but you've just got to understand that now you're going to be going to school, you can't have them twenty four seven. Mama's just trying to wean you off of them a little so when school comes, it isn't too much of a struggle" she tries her best to explain as she gently rocks the youngster in her arms.

Camila curls against her mama's chest, "not taking away?" She asks, her voice muffled.

"No angel, I'm not taking it away, if you ever feel like I'm being like that, just let me know And I'll stop" Lauren replies whilst leaning down to press a kiss onto her forehead.

"Will Mama" Camila murmurs whilst rubbing her eyes, letting out a large yawn.

Lauren catches the pacifier before it falls to the floor, "time for a nap I think" she murmurs herself, placing the pacifier back into the small girls mouth before standing up with her in her arms, "would you like some milk?" She asks, reaching for the bottle that was placed on the nightstand.

Camila nods against her neck, and Lauren quickly makes her way back to the kitchen to make the girls bottle before she fell asleep in her arms.

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