Chapter 16

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Sorryyyyy 😂


"Come with you?" Camila whispers shyly from her place on Lauren's bed, her voice muffled by the soother she was currently suckling on.

Lauren looks up from tying Camila's converse, her expression soft, "yes love. I don't want to leave you on your own again. It'll be fun though, I promise" she replies as she stands up, "now, let's go get you your bottle and then we'll leave, okay?" She adds, holding out both her arms.

It had been a little over a week since the storming out of the apartment incident, and apart from a few upsets and tears, everything's been smooth sailing. Lauren was still mad at herself though and she knows she will be for a while, after all, what she did was beyond mean. It showed in Camila too. The young girl had barely spoken a word since that day, just a few whispers here and there when she was unable to tell Lauren what she wanted through her body language.

She'd been super attached too, but that was nothing new.

Camila eagerly leans forward and allows herself to be lifted into her mama's arms, wrapping her legs tightly round her waist.

Lauren makes her way down the hall into the kitchen, and after pressing a kiss onto Camila's forehead, she gently eases her down onto the side, "alright, just a bottle or would you like something else too?" She asks, grabbing a already made bottle from the fridge and sticking it into the microwave.

Camila contemplates for a second before shaking her head and pointing to the microwave.

Lauren nods, letting out a small sigh. She felt it was best to let the girl choose whether or not she wanted to eat or not as forcing her would only mean more tears and upsets that she wasn't willing to deal with.

Sure, it probably wasn't the best move as letting Camila have total control of what she ate and when she ate would only end in disaster, but she wasn't too worried at the moment as it only ever tended to be the mornings when she was reluctant to eat.

"One warm bottle of milk for miss Camila" she coos softly as she shakes the bottle to make sure all of it was warm, lifting the youngster off the side and into her arms before making her way into the living room.

She sets herself down on the couch and lays Camila lengthways on her lap, pulling the cap of the bottle off before holding the nipple to her lips, "Good girl" she praises when the girl accepts it without hesitation, suckling eagerly as her eyes close in content.

Lauren shifts slightly, adjusting herself to she was using her one arm to support Camila before letting out a sigh of content herself. Camila's hand tightly grips the top of her shirt, and with a small smile lingering on her lips, she leans down slightly so she could press a gentle peck onto it.

Camila finishes her milk in no time and as soon as Lauren had burped her and changed her diaper, they were out the door and on their way to Lauren's work.

The drive there was quick as it was still pretty early in the day, and before Camila could really blink, she was being led onto an office/studio. Gripping tightly, onto the woman's hand, she looks around curiously.

 Gripping tightly, onto the woman's hand, she looks around curiously

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