Chapter 53

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Little shorter than normal. Please don't hate me 🤷‍♀️


Lauren hums quietly as she manoeuvres herself round the kitchen, getting the final touches together for the family dinner she had arranged. She was super exited as she hadn't seen her dad in months, and she knew Camila was too exited as she hadn't seen him in a long time either.

The two had only met once, and to Lauren, that was crazy considering Camila had been in her life for well over a year.

Smiling down at the set table, she adjusts the knife set by one of the plates ever so slightly before making her way through to the living room. The small girl was still in her pyjamas and she knew it was about time to get her ready as her parents were due any time now.

"Alright my lovely, I think that's enough tv" She muses, reaching for the remote so she could turn off the tv before setting it back down onto the coffee table.

Camila sits up with a small whine, causing Lauren to shake her head playfully before reaching down to pick her up, "your grandparents are gonna be here soon. I'm sure you don't want them to see you in your pjs" she gives her diapered bottom a pat to make a point as she makes it to her room, reaching over and switching on the light before heading over to her closet.

The small girls eyes widen. No, she didn't want them to see her in her pjs. Especially when her pjs only consisted of one of her mama's shirts and a diaper.

Happy she had gotten through to her without much of a fuss, Lauren shifts her on her hip slightly as she presses her lips to the side of her head, "now, lets pick you out an outfit"

After changing her diaper and dressing her in a pair of checkered leggings and dressy shirt, Lauren soon finds herself walking back down the hall towards the direction of the kitchen. There, she sits Camila down onto her booster seat and straps her in before giving her a few toys to keep her distracted.

It wasn't long before the doorbell rings, and with a grin on her face, she practically jogs towards the door and pulls it open only to be pulled into a pair of arms she knew belonged to her farther.

"I missed you" she whispers, bringing her arms up to wrap around his waist.

Mike leans down and presses a kiss to the top of his daughters head, "I missed you too sweetheart" his lips linger.

Lauren smiles tearfully as she pulls away from his embrace, giving her mother a quick hug hello before closing the front door and taking both of their hands in her own, leading them towards the kitchen.

There, she was met with the sight of a distracted Camila attempting to unbuckle the strap around her waist, and with a small roll of the eyes, she walks over to her and crouches down, "what has mama told you about undoing that little one?" Her voice was full of amusement as she reaches over to unbuckle it for her, pulling her now shy baby into her arms when she seems to realise who was in the room with her.

"It's okay, you know grandma and grandma" she walks over to her parents with the small girl on her hip.

But Camila doesn't seem in the mood to be social and keeps her head buried in her mama's neck, her legs locking tightly around her waist so she wouldn't be forced to let go.

Neither Mike or Clara seem to mind the girls shyness, they simply both press a soft kiss to the back of her head before taking their designated places at the table.

"I hope spaghetti is okay. I wasn't really sure on what you guys would want" Lauren pries Camila off of her and sets her back in her seat, quietly soothing her underneath her breath when she lets out a quiet whimper.

Clara smiles as she places her purse onto the floor, "that's perfectly fine baby. Now, how's everything?"


Camila stays silent throughout the whole dinner, only ever replying with nods or shakes of the head when asked something directly. She didn't want to tell her mama this, but she really didn't feel well. Whether it be nerves or something entirely different, her body just, ached in a way it never had before. Her head felt cloudy, her limbs were trembly and she just didn't feel good.

She wonders whether or not it had anything to do with the bruises on her body, but she wasn't really in the right state of mind to think all too rationally.

When she see's everyone's plates cleared, she pushes hers away too and slides from her seat, happy with the fact she hadn't been strapped in. There was only a few steps between her and her mama, but it felt like miles when her legs finally make contact with the floor and take on her weight.

When Lauren catches her baby stumble in place from the corner of her eye, she immediately reaches out to grab her, "You okay baby?" She keeps her voice a whisper as she lifts the suddenly sweaty girl onto her lap, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

Breathing in shakily, Camila nods her head and settles tiredly a gaunt her mama's chest.

It was the position she stays in for the remainder of the meal, the position she stays in even when she hears everybody start to clear up. She couldn't even find it in her to move when she feels her mother standing up. Her body just felt too heavy.

"I think I'm going to call it a day guys. I don't think mila's feeling well" Lauren states regretfully as she holds the young girl close, trying to hold back the concern that was slowly building when she feels her burning forehead press against her neck.

Something was definitely very wrong.

Thankfully her parents seem to understand, and they were quick to say their goodbyes, the door quietly closing behind them.

Immediately reaching for the thermometer she knew to be in the cupboard, Lauren eases her girl down onto the side, making sure to stay in front of her to keep her unsteady frame upright.

Pulling the plastic cap off of the top, she places the end in the girls ear and quietly soothes her with soft kisses to her head when a small whimper escapes her lips.

"It's okay baby girl. Mama will make it better, I promise"

Her words were met with a small nod, but that was soon thrown to the back of her head when the thermometer beeps and she see's the words flashing on the screen.


Tossing the stick of plastic to the sink so quickly it left a loud clatter, Lauren scoops the small girl back into her arms and rushes towards the front door, making sure to grab a blanket, her phone, and the changing bag she always keeps by the door.

Time to make a trip to the hospital.


So, how's your day going?

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Stay strong and take care of yourselves. I love you all ❤️

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