Chapter 38

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Just pretend you're an adult in the eyes of the law at 16 in this book, thanks and enjoy!


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" Lauren quickly apologises as she looks up from shrugging on her leather jacket, realising that in her haste to get to her car, she had bumped into someone.

Looking up with wide eyes prepared to spit out more apologises, she comes face to face with a middle aged man who looked nervous, yet happy to have just bumped into her.

Okay, so apologising again seems to be off the table, she thinks to herself as she shifts uncomfortably under his gaze.

She had just dropped Camila off at school and after the youngster had threw a small tantrum over not wanting to get out of bed, the normal for her on a school morning, she was running late for her nine o'clock start at work.

The man smiles an almost creepy smile, "no worries. Nice day today, isn't it?"

Lauren frowns in confusion at his words, "uhhh, I guess so" she answers as she looks briefly up at the blue sky, taking a small, subtle step away from him.

Unfortunately, the man notices this and takes a step forward to match their close proximity once again, "I'm Matthew, what about you?" He asks almost desperately, alarming Lauren.

"Uhh, I'm a person, now, if you'll excuse me I have to go before I'm late for work" she says politely as she tries to sidestep the man, her actions faltering however when she feels a tight grip on her arm.

"Can I buy you a coffee?" Matthew pushes, his hand still round Lauren's bicep.

Lauren almost laughs in amusement at his words, but holds it back knowing now was not the time, "I'm sorry to disappoint dude but I don't swing that way, and even if I did I wouldn't be interested. I don't like pushy people who don't seem to know the meaning of no. Now, I really have to go, have a nice day" she says firmly, ripping her arm out of the mans grip before hurrying to her car.

When she slips into the drivers seat, she immediately locks the car up before reaching for her seatbelt. Matthew or whatever his name is gave her a funny feeling, and her brain was telling her that something wasn't right with him, or the awkward encounter the two had just had.

What got her most was the fact he had coincidentally bumped into her just as she left the school building where there were tons of other people around her. Sure, she wasn't the tallest person alive, but she was definitely big enough to be seen and couldn't understand why he of all people had bumped into her.

She gathers it was done on purpose, well, she knows it was on purpose, but why?

Rubbing arm he had gripped absentmindedly, she she starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. She couldn't be late for work after all.



"I spoke to her sir, she seems...uhhh, very strong willed." Matthew speaks nervously, his hands snapped behind his back.

Alejandro rolls his eyes, "you're scared of a woman now?" He scoffs, threateningly standing up from his seat.

The man takes a small step back, "no sir, of c-course not" he stutters, regretting his previous words.

"Then I don't see why you're here. Go and do your job you pathetic excuse of a human being. I don't want you coming back until you've done what's asked of you" Alejandro yells, his eyes showing that if Matthew didn't do what he said, he'd be in some serious trouble.

"Yes sir, of course sir" Matthew almost whimpers before rushing out of the room.


After a long day at work, Lauren was finally able to leave to pick Camila up from school.

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