Chapter 4

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"There we go, all done." Lauren murmurs as she finishes french braiding Camila's long hair, slipping the spare hair tie she didn't use onto her wrist.

At her words, the young girl currently occupying her lap tentatively reaches back to feel it, a small smile appearing on her face.

She had never had somebody do her hair before.

"T-thank you" she whispers, looking back down at her lap. She immediately removes her gaze when she spots all the bruises littering her skin though, not wanting to be reminded of what her dad did when she was finally out of his reach and he could no longer hurt her.

"You're welcome sweetheart, you look beautiful" Lauren replies with a soft smile, "I think it's time we talk now huh? What do you think?" She changes subject, gently grasping the girl by the armpits and lifting her off of her lap before standing up off the toilet seat herself.

She had tried talking to the girl while helping her wash her hair earlier, but unfortunately, she had completely avoided conversation by breaking down into hysterical tears. Alarmed, Lauren had changed subject, but she made the girl promise they would talk after instead when she wasn't in such a vulnerable position.

Camila had agreed, immediately calming down, but Lauren could tell she she was reluctant; but why wouldn't she be? God knows what the poor girl had been through in her short sixteen years of life.

Camila tears up at her question, but nods, allowing herself to be lead out of the bathroom and into the living room. She goes to sit down on the couch, but was stopped when an hand gently rests on her arm, making her look up in confusion.

Lauren smiles gently and sits herself down on the couch, holding her arms out for the girl to come sit with her, "I think talking would be a little easier with some comfort" she says in response to the girls cute head tilt, waiting for the girl to decide on whether or not she wanted to sit with her instead of coaxing her like she wanted.

The young girl smiles shyly and nods her head, letting Lauren ease her side ways onto her lap. Shyly, and reluctantly, she rests her head on the woman's shoulder, managing a small grin when arms get securely wrapped round her waist in return.

Normally, she wouldn't like being held down by a firm grip, but Lauren was nice, and she wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Plus, she quite liked being held.

"Alright, are you comfy?" Lauren asks, placing gentle pats on the girls hip with the hand that wasn't round her back supporting her.

Camila nods, bringing her hand to her mouth so she could nervously nibble on the end of her thumb. She could already feel her body start to tremble, knowing the conversation they were about to have would not be a good one.

It had to happen though.

Lauren subconsciously presses kiss onto her head, "alright good girl. We'll start of easy okay? Who do you live with?" She asks gently.

Camila's body begins to tremble violently, obviously showing this subject was affecting her more than she was letting on, "dad" she whispers simply, feeling tears already building in her eyes, threatening to fall.

Lauren see's this and gently pulls the girl closer to her, "Good girl. Do you like living with him?" She asks hopefully, yet hesitantly, having a good feeling of where this conversation was about to go.

Just like expected, Camila quickly shakes her head, letting out a broken sob as she buries her head into the woman's neck.

"Oh baby, it's okay" Lauren soothes, having to stop her own tears from falling as she gently rocks the girl in her arms.

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