Chapter 26

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"Alright girls, you ready for bed?" Lauren asks as she walks in the living room from washing the dishes up from dinner. The two were sat on the couch, Dinah sprawled comfortably and Camila sat nervously on the edge. There was obviously something wrong as normally, the small girl attention would be on the tv and the tv only.

At her words, Dinah nods, "Yeah, should we go brush our teeth now?" She asks, sitting up and pausing the movie. Camila doesn't move a muscle at the voice of her best friend, choosing to continue looking down at her lap.

When Lauren nods with a soft smile, the girl rushes off down the hall leaving both herself and her baby alone.

"What's wrong angel?" She asks, walking over to the youngster before crouching down in front of her and brushing some hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. She had put it in a french braid this morning and with the girls busy and day at school with her friends, over ninety percent of her hair was no longer actually up.

Camila shrugs her shoulders, feeling her eyes blur with unshed tears. She didn't want to admit what was wrong in fear of her mama saying 'I told you so'.

Lauren bites her lip in consideration for a second, "is it because you can't sleep with mama and have your bottle and diaper?" She asks in a whisper, taking the young girls smaller hand in hers and giving it a soft squeeze.

Camila's bottom lip begins to quiver at her words, but no sooner can she admit that yes, her mama was right, Dinah rushes back into the room causing her to straighten up and wipe her tears away.

She didn't want her friend to think she was a baby.

Lauren sighs at this and stands up, running a hand through her hair, "alright, off to bed girls. I'll be there to tuck you in in a second" she says as she begins to clear away the mess the girls had made whilst watching a movie, not noticing the heartbroken look in Camila's eyes as she walks through to the kitchen.

After washing her hands, she walks down the hall to Camila's room. She knocks a few times for privacy before walking in, and she was met by both girls already in bed with the covers over then.

"You comfy?" She asks as she sits down on Camila side of the bed, gently cupping her cheek as a silent way of reassuring her that everything was okay.

Dinah nods with a grin, but Camila simply stays put without moving a muscle. Sighing again, the green eyed girl presses a kiss onto the youngster head before standing up, "night girls, you both know where I am if you need anything" she says, regrettably leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

She's got a feeling tonight wasn't going to be a very good night.


And she was right.

No more than an hour later when she was sat on the couch with her laptop finishing off Orange Is The New Black, she was interrupted by quiet footsteps. Looking up and pausing the episode she was on, she was greeted with the sight of a very upset looking Camila.

Her eyes were teary, her bottom lip was quivering and she looked close to just completely breaking down.

Shoving her laptop to the side, she instinctively holds her arms out and no sooner can she blink, the youngster was in her arms and straddling her lap. She wraps her arms securely round her small frame whilst one of her hands come up to run through her long hair, and she gently rocks her back and forth.

"Oh baby..." she trails off with a sigh, leaning down to press a kiss against her forehead.

At her words, Camila clutches tighter onto her sweater and lets out a quiet sob. She seemed to be scared of making any noise that would disturb anyone around her.

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