Chapter 17

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This chapter was hard to write, hence it's very shitty. But I hope you enjoy anyway


Lauren sighs heavily as she closes the front door behind her, bringing her hand up to wipe away some sweat from her forehead as she kicks her shoes off. The situation from work had not improved one bit, and unfortunately, she'd had to carry Camila from work to the car, and from the car to the apartment, kicking and screaming.


Lauren had lost count of how many bruises she was probably going to get from the amount of times Camila had struck her, (she knows it wasn't intentional of course) and she was lost with what the hell was going on.

One moment, Camila was fine, the next, it was like a completely different girl had come out to play.

Taking one last deep breath, Lauren makes her way to Camila's bedroom in hopes she'll be able to figure out what's going on. She knocks on the door softly whilst running a hand through her hair, but just like expected, she gets no reply causing her to sigh once again.

"Camila? I'm coming in sweetheart" she warns before pushing the door open.

The young girl was of course, curled up in one of the corners with her head buried in her knees, and by the way her body was shaking Lauren could only assume she was still pretty upset.

And it baffled her because she had absolutely no idea why.

Quietly closing the door behind her, Lauren tentatively walks to the small girl and kneels down in front of her. Camila doesn't move an inch at Lauren's close proximity, simply choosing to stay put and not make a fuss in fear of her getting mad again.

"You wanna tell me what's up?" Lauren murmurs in question after a few seconds of silence whilst adjusting herself slightly so she was sat cross legged.


"Look, baby, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Are you upset because of what happened at my work?" She asks hopefully, "because if it is, I can help you fix it. You just need to trust me" she adds, well aware of how desperate she was beginning to sound.

Camila takes a visible, shaky deep breath before hesitantly peeking at the woman sat in front of her. Did she really not know what was going on? Or was she just pretending and acting oblivious because she wanted her to fall for it? Looking at Lauren's eyes, she for once see's vulnerability lingering in them. She didn't look angry or upset, just simply confused.

" dad" she whimpers after a second, her bottom lip once again beginning to tremble as she tries to stop herself from breaking.

Lauren shifts closer, her expression hopeful, "what about him baby?" She asks, reaching her hand out to gently take Camila's. Thankfully, the youngster doesn't flinch away, instead, she clings onto it like it was a lifeline.

"He...he...he's your boss!" Camila cries brokenly, her whole body trembling as she once again hides her face from view. She was scared now that she's told Lauren what the problem was, she would send her back to him.

Lauren's eyes bulge in alarm. What the hell? Her boss, the man who seemed harmless apart from his attitude, was the farther of the broken young girl she had taken in a little over two weeks ago? There was no freaking way that was true. No freaking way. It was impossible...wasn't it?

She was broken out of her thoughts by Camila standing up from her position on the floor, but before she could get any further than passing herself, she's quick to take her back into her arms.

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