Chapter 12

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It was now Thursday in the Jauregui household, two very long days after Camila had spontaneously become sick. Lauren was meant to go to work today, she'd arranged it with her boss last week telling him that she would only be coming in a few times a week for a while until 'the situation at home' was sorted, but today, one of the only two days she actually gets  to go to work, she has to call in sick as Camila still wasn't a hundred percent.

She didn't blame the youngster as it wasn't her fault she got sick, but she couldn't help but be a little irritable towards the whole situation.

She supposes she could bring Camila with her, but with her want to cling and be near her constantly, she figures it would be near impossible to get anything done and she'd have her boss on her ass more than he already was.

"Camila, breakfast is ready baby!" She calls towards the girl who was curled up on the couch, setting the two plates of toast, bacon and eggs down onto the table before wiping her hands off.

Camila walks into the kitchen seconds later, clad in just a diaper and large shirt, the only two items she had been wearing ever since she got sick. She had said to Lauren that wearing clothes while sick made her feel claustrophobic, and thankfully the woman understood and didn't make a fuss about it.

"I'm not...I'm not hungry" the small girl whispers, playing nervously with the end of the shirt that hung off of her small frame.

Lauren frowns and walks over to the girl, bending down slightly so they were making eye contact, "Are you still feeling sick?" She questions softly, brushing the girls hair out of her face.

Camila hesitates before shaking her head.

"You don't? Well then I really would like you to eat something sweetheart. Your tummy must be feeling pretty hungry after not eating the past few days" she explains as she stands up straight and holds out her hand.

"But-but I don't wanna eat" Camila whimpers. Despite her words, she still takes Lauren's hand and allows herself to be led to the table.

Lauren places herself down onto one of the chairs and pulls Camila so she was standing between her legs, resting her hands on her waist, "why not?" She wonders, curious to know why she suddenly didn't want anything to do with food when before she was sick she couldn't get enough of it.

Camila shrugs and looks down at her feet, her left hand playing with a loose thread on the woman's jeans as she contemplates on what to say. She guesses she was a little hungry, but Lauren had already done so much for her and she didn't want to eat all her food to. That would mean she was being naughty and that would mean she would get punished.

She really didn't want to be punished.

"Camila, I think you do know, you just don't want to tell me" Lauren murmurs, a slight hint of irritableness lingering in her voice as she runs a hand through her hair.

Camila visibly flinches at that, her whole body filling with fear as she trembles and tries to take a step back so she was out of the woman's reach.

"Camila, baby, I'm not going to hurt you, okay? I promise. I just want to know why you don't want to eat" Lauren tries her best to explain, gently easing then youngster sideways onto her lap and holding her close.

The small girls bottom lip trembles and she brings her hand up to cover her face. She didn't want mama to be mad at her. Why was she mad at her?

"Camila..." the woman trials off with a light sigh, "It's okay baby, you don't have to eat if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable or upset" she says, not really in the mood to deal with a tantrum if she were to physically make the girl eat.

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