Chapter 45

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"Are you sure you'll be okay with her?" Lauren asks as she rushes around the living room, glancing up at her mom as she shrugs on her leather jacket.

Clara rolls her eyes playfully and helps her daughter by picking up her purse off the floor and hooking it onto her shoulder, "I'll be fine Lauren, and so will Camila. Believe it or not I actually know how to take care of a baby" she states amusedly.

Lauren raises her eyebrows in surprise for a second before nodding with a grin. Even if she wanted to fight her mother on this, she didn't have time, "alright. I've already gone in a kissed her goodbye. She was pretty out of it so don't be too surprised if she's a little grouchy when you get her up" she says, leaning forward to kiss her moms cheek before rushing out of the door.

Clara shakes her head playfully and watched her daughter go before closing the door behind her.


A few hours later, Camila was just waking up. She lets out a quiet whimper and rolls onto her back, the pacifier that was once in her mouth now next to her. She reaches for it and once it's in her mouth, she lets out a content sigh. As she looks to her left, she see's a small indent on her be which causes her to vaguely remember her mama coming in to say goodbye, but why? She couldn't really remember.

Wanting her cuddles that mama gave her every morning, she kicks off the blankets and sits up. Her wet diaper presses against her skin which causes her to cringe slightly, but having more important things to deal with, she ignores it and rushes out of her room.

"Mama!" She calls, immediately freezing in place when she was greeted with not her mama, but her mama's mama.

Clara smiles and sets her book down, "Hi baby, come cuddle with grandma" she coos softly, holding her arms out.

Camila hesitates. Sure, she loved her grandma, but she only felt comfortable with cuddles when her mama was here too. It made her feel safe, secure even. Not wanting to be selfish, she slowly makes her way over and allows herself to be lifted onto her lap.

She doesn't settle against her though, she doesn't even manage to relax. She instead says tense, wishing her mama was here too. They sit in silence for a few minutes, and Camila startles when Clara stands up with her in her arms. Sensing the youngsters confused look, the woman speaks.

"We need to get you into a clean diaper. Your mama will get mad at me if I let you get a rash" she explains. Before she could even react or do anything to stop it, Camila was squirming out of her arms and scurrying to the far side of the room.

"Sweetheart, I'm sure sitting in a wet diapers not ver-"

Camila cuts her off with a firm shake of the head. Clara holding her was one thing, but changing her diaper was something else. Something else she was not comfortable with anyone else doing but her mama, and even then it was hard sometimes. When she see's a stern look in her grandmas eyes, she freezes and silently begs that she wouldn't hurt her.

"Camila, honey, let grandma change you out of your diaper" Clara states firmly.

Camila whimpers and shakes her head, "no, want mama" she begs, shuffling back against the corner of the room whilst bringing her legs to her chest.

Not in the middle for Camila's defiance, the woman lifts her up out of the corner and holds her squirming body close. By now, Camila was near hysterical. She hated being grabbed without any warning, without her initiating it. It scared her, reminded her off her past. Clara doesn't sense this though, she simply just thinks it's the girl being stubborn.

"No! Want my mama!" Camila cries indignantly as she's led down on the end of the bed, her legs violently kicking anything that was within her reach.

Clara firmly grabs her flailing legs and holds them still, "calm down Camila. Having your diaper changed is not up for debate" she says, reaching for the buttons to Camila's bodysuit type onesie.

Camila's squirming becomes almost impossible to control,"No mama!" She screeches out one last time before breaking down into sobs. Why wasn't her mama coming to help her?

"Mama will be back soon Camila, now keep still" Clara states, placing a firm swat to the young girls sit spot.

That was it for Camila. That was her breaking point. Without warning, she places a heavy kick to the woman's arm as she lets out heartbreaking wails.

What she didn't realise was that that was her grandmas breaking point. In the midst of her cries, she didn't realise that she was being turned onto the side. It was only when she feels several sharp spanks placed to her now bare backside did she realise she had been hit.

She freezes for a split second until the realisation dawns on her and without second guessing herself, she begins to wail, loudly. Her face turns bright red and her stomach constricts with each painful deep breath. Her grandma had just hit her. Tears falling rapidly from her eyes, she squirms violently out of her hold and scurries into the bathroom.

She locks the door and collapses to the cold floor, continuing to let out loud, heartbreaking sobs that shake her whole body to the core. She vaguely hears her grandma calling her from the other side of the door, but she couldn't find the strength to acknowledge that. She just wanted her mama. She wanted her mama so so bad.


When Lauren gets the phone call from her mom saying that Camila had locked herself in the bathroom, she assumes the absolute worse. She assumes that she has deliberately hurt herself again, that she's been bad and she was hiding to avoid punishment.

Her mom hadn't gone into detail. She had just stated that 'Camila's locked herself in the bathroom and is refusing to come out'. Thinking the worst was something that was definitely going to happen with an explanation like that.

Pulling into her apartment complexes parking lot, she barely manages to unbuckle her seatbelt before opening the door. She scrambles to lock it behind her as she jogs up to her apartment and when she had finally made, she pushes the door open.

She was immediately greeted with her mom. She looks guilty but knowing her baby was more important that finding out what was wrong, she sends her a small smile and rushes to the bathroom.

"Camila? Camila, baby, it's mama. Open the door please" she calls, placing her hand onto the door handle. It was silent for a few seconds, but when she hears the familiar click of the lock, she lets out a breath of relief. Pushing the door open, she was greeted with her baby sat half naked on the floor.

Closing the door behind her, she crouches down to her level and holds her arms out, "it's okay baby, come to mama" she coos, scooting a tiny bit closer when she see's the girl hesitate.

Ribs still constricting with her aftershocks of her sobs, Camila holds her arms out. When she was back in the security of her mama's arms, taking in her soothing scent her comforting hold, the cries she was trying so hard to push back escape without warning.

"Shh, mama's got you baby, you're okay, mama's got you" Lauren coos softly as she shifts herself so she was cross legged, Camila fitting perfectly in the small dip between her legs, "You're okay, I've got you" she murmurs as she begins to rock, her baby's cries causing her to tear up herself.

Trying to get a hold of her breathing, Camila clings to her mama tightly. She wanted to tell her what grandma had done, but she couldn't get the words out.

Lauren tightens her hold, "calm down baby, take some deep breathes then you can tell mama what's wrong" she says calmly, stroking her hand up and down Camila's onesie clad back. She was a little confused as to why she wasn't wearing a diaper, but that was a problem for later. Once her baby was calm.

Coughing heavily, Camila struggles to get closer to her mama's soothing touch, "g'andma, she she..." she cuts herself off by coughing again.

"What did grandma do baby?" Lauren asks, gathering her mom had done something to upset her.

"She spanked me!" Camika wails heartbreakingly, causing Lauren to freeze.



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