Chapter 39

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"Mama, I'm bored" Camila whispers shyly as she walks into the living room, her thumb coming up towards her mouth so she could nibble on the end of her nail.

Like mama had said yesterday, she had stayed home from school, and while the morning was fun because she got to sleep in late and snuggle with her favourite person, the excitement slowly begun to fade when the clock reached and passed two in the afternoon.

There was nothing to do in the apartment and she was quickly coming to the realisation that just because staying home with mama sounded fun, didn't mean it actually was. In fact, as much as she loved her mama snuggles, she hated being home during the day, especially when she was just beginning to get used to the routine of going to school.

Lauren sighs lightly as she sits up on the couch, "I know baby, I'm sorry." She apologises softly, "come sit with mama" she adds, holding out her arms.

Of course Camila complies, and soon enough, she's sat straddling on her mama's lap with her head resting heavily on her shoulder. Her hands automatically come up to play with her hair, and as her mama's hand soothingly trails up and down her back, she relaxes.

"I know it's not much fun staying home with mama, but you understand I'm doing it for your safety right? Mama will never be able to forgive herself if she lets you get hurt" the woman murmurs as she presses a kiss to the side of the youngsters head.

Camila lets out a small sigh and nods her head, "yes mama" she whispers in reply, understanding that even though she was super bored, the woman was only doing this for her benefit.

"Good girl, now,-" before she could continue, she was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Thinking the worst, she was quick to stand up and leave the room with Camila still in her arms.

"Go to mama's room and lock the door, okay?" She says quietly, easing the youngster down onto her feet.

Camila tears up, "mama" she whimpers pleadingly, not liking the seriousness that was lingering in her mama's normally soothing voice.

Lauren cups here cheeks, "baby, I need you to do as I say right now, be a big girl, please" she begs, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before lightly pushing her towards the direction of her room.

Letting out a soft sob, Camila nods her head and rushes to her mama's room, locking the door just like she said. Just to be precautious, she scrambles into the closet and curls up in the furthest corner away from the door, burying her face into her knees.

Once she was sure Camila had done as she says, Lauren grabs her phone and puts 911 on speed dial as she hesitantly makes her way towards the door. She peeks through the peep whole and her whole body freezes when she see's who it was.


Letting out an angry sigh, she debates on whether or not she should open the door. Was it safe? Could she take the risk? Deciding that she needs to get it over with, she unlocks the door and rips it open.

"What the fuck do you want? And more importantly, how the fuck do you know where I live?" She snaps in question. At her words, the man makes a move towards her, "no, stay where I can fucking see you. You make one wrong move and I'll have the cops here in seconds " she spits, holding her phone out as a warning.

The man holds his arms up defensively, "I'm not here to hurt you"

Lauren scoffs, "Yeah, I'll believe that when I see pigs fly. Now I'll ask again, what the fuck are you doing here?" She demands, her thumb hovering over the call button.

Matthew sighs, "I came apologise" he murmurs almost guiltily.

Lauren raises a single eyebrow in amusement.

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