Chapter 49

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"Have you heard anything from that Matthew guy?"

Phone placed in between her ear and shoulder, Lauren lets out a deep sigh as she continues rocking a sleeping Camila who was curled up on her lap, "no, nothing for about a month now. I honestly don't know if that's a good thing or not considering he's known for this sort of thing" she replies.

"Maybe you should take it as a good thing? He might have finally got the message that whatever intentions he has are basically pointless. That he shouldn't even bother" her best friend, Lucy speaks. She was the only person Lauren had left in her life who hadn't turned against her or done something to intentionally hurt her.

Lauren considers this, "maybe. I just hope it's for good this time. Both Camila and myself need to get on with life, y'know, without the fear of something happening to either one of us" she mumbles, letting out a soft sigh.

She hears Lucy hum in agreement, "that would be nice. But like I said, maybe he's got the message. Start living your life again Lo, there's no point in being scared of something that might not even happen. Whatever intentions he has are pointless if you're in the right mindset. And as for Camila, the same goes. Let her have her friends round, vice versa. Don't dwell on something happening to her when that might not have even been his plan in the first place." Her best friend speaks making a smile appear on her face.

"As much as I agree with all that, Camila's past is enough to have me worried where her dads concerned" she replies.

"Well, has Camila's sperm donor been in contact?"

"What? Of course not"

"I rest my case Laur."

Lauren grins, "alright Vives, you've made your point. I'll call you later, okay? I gotta wake Camila and get her ready for dinner" she says quietly when she notices her baby stirring in her arms. She see's it's about five on the clock hanging above the tv so she knows leaving it any later means Camila wouldn't go to bed when her bedtime came later on tonight.

"Later Lo"

After pressing the end call button, Lauren locks her phone and places it down onto the coffee table before bringing her attention to a drowsy Camila who appeared to be in between sleeping and awake so waking her shouldn't be too much trouble.

"Open your eyes bubs. It's time for dinner" she coos softly, lifting her hand up to she could trail the pad of her thumb over her soft cheek. Thankfully, after letting out a deep sigh, Camila's eyes blearily open.

"There you are. Hi my baby, did you have a good nap?" She asks as she stands, adjusting Camila's body so she was settled on her front with her forearms supporting her rather than her hip like normal.

Camila nods against the crook of her mama's neck, her skin still warm to the touch from being curled up in her arms for the past hour.

Lauren smiles slightly and presses a kiss to her head before easing her down onto the side, standing in front of her to make sure she wouldn't fall. Once Camila makes eye contact with her after flickering her gaze around the kitchen, she tucks the hair that had fallen from her braid behind her ear before speaking.

"You gonna speak to mama now?" She teases softly, wrapping an arm around the tiny girls waist.

Aware of the teasing tone her mama's voice was taking on, Camila blushes and smiles before leaning forward so she could hide in her neck, her hands coming up to grip her shirt.

Chuckling, Lauren once again scoops her baby off of the side and into her arms, shifting her to her hip now she was more awake, "c'mon, let's go see what foods in the pantry. I'm sure mama can fix something quick and easy so you can go back to sleep. After a bath of course" she adds after a second, sending the blushing girl in her arms a soft, yet pointed look.

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