Chapter 46

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This is pretty short so apologies in advance!


Grabbing Camila gently by her upper arms, Lauren eases her away from her body. Her baby looked a mess. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her cheeks and cupid's bow were covered in both snot and tears her hair was damn and stuck to her cheeks.

After wiping off her cheeks as best as she could with her thumbs, Lauren makes eye contact with her teary eyed baby, "she spanked you? Did she get your permission first?" She asks, knowing that that was a vital step when it comes to this type of punishment.

By the way Camila's eyes fill with tears again, she guesses that, no, permission hadn't been given. Pressing a kiss to her head, Lauren takes a shaky breath herself. Right now, she felt angry. She wanted to go give her mom a piece of her mind but knowing that getting Camila to calm down first was a bit more important, she holds off.

"Let mama see baby" she coos as she rises to her feet with Camila in her arms. She sets her down onto the floor and making sure to keep her arms securely around her, she turns her round.

When she was met with a large dark red mark that covered both cheeks and her sit spots that were beginning to bruise, she feels the anger she was trying to hold back come back in full force.

Her mom had hit her baby hard enough to leave a bruise. That was not something she was going to take lightly. No matter what she did, Camila, or anyone else doesn't deserve to be bruised by someone intentionally.

When she had spanked Camila, she hadn't left any marks whatsoever so this, she could tell was not done with caution. Her mom had spanked definitely spanked her hard.

Lifting her sobbing baby back up into her arms, she wraps her arms around her careful to avoid her obviously sore backside, "it's okay baby. Mama's gonna go tell grandma off once we've calmed you down. Shh" she soothes, making her way out of the bathroom and into her room where the diapers and stuff were kept.

She holds Camila close while she gathers everything she needs and after she's placed everything back into the bed, she sits down herself with Camila on her lap.

"Take some deep breaths baby, you're okay. Mama's here now" she soothes, "do you want to nurse hmm? Would that make mamas baby feel better?" She asks in a soft coo, manoeuvring the girl so she was cradled in her arms.

Camila immediately nods her head, tears still rapidly falling from her eyes.

"Okay, let's put this diaper on you first though. Mama doesn't want you to have any accidents while you're sleeping" she says, waiting for Camila to nod in reply before carefully lifting her onto the bed.

After quickly, but carefully taping a diaper to her waist and buttoning up her body suit, she pulls Camila back into her arms and scoots them both until she's sat against the headboard. She lifts her shirt up and after shoving her bra out of the way too, she aids her still upset baby with latching on.

"Good girl. You're such a good good girl" she soothes in a quiet whisper, holding Camila as close as she possibly could. She places gentle taps to her bottom in hopes of calming her down and when she see's the girls eyes flutter shut, she takes a breath of relief.

For the sake of wanting to be close to her, she allows her to nurse until she physically stops herself. Even asleep her suckles were still strong enough to know that getting her to unlatch would most likely cause her to stir and wake up, and that was not something she wanted to happen with how long it took for her to calm down in the first place.

When her baby stills, she hesitates to unlatch her. All she wanted to do was hold her baby close to make up for not being here this morning, but knowing she still had her mom to deal with, she knew she couldn't do that.

After exchanging her nipple for Camila's pacifier, she gently lays her down onto the bed next to her. She covers her up and after pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead, she leaves the room with the intention of giving her mom a piece of her mind.

When she gets to the kitchen, she was met with the sight of her mom staring into spaces. Clearing her throat to get her attention, she crosses her arms over her chest and waits for her mom to look at her before speaking.

"How could you do this?" She asks simply, her tone of voice showing she was not in the mood for any stupid excuses.

Clara clears her throat as she stands up from leaning against the counter, "Lauren, look, I didn't mean-"

"You didn't mean to what? Spank her? Leave a bruise on her? I told you about her past yesterday mom, and yet you still decide that laying your hands on her without permission was a good idea?" Lauren replies, her eyes showing just how angry she was getting.

"It wasn't my intention to leave a bruise on her Lauren! She wasn't cooperating with her diaper change so I gave her a swat." Her mom states, rolling her eyes.

Lauren raises her eyebrows in surprise, "a swat? Her backside is bright red mom, you did more than just 'swat' her" she spits out, running a frustrated hand through her hair, "look, I don't want to talk to you right now. I appreciate your offer to stay and help look after her but after today I don't think that's such a good idea" she adds, her tone a few octaves lower than it was before.

Clara sighs, "it was a mistake Lauren. You can't get mad over that"

"No I can't, you're right about that. But you wanna know what I can get mad at? The fact you put your hands on her without permission. I can get mad over the fact you've left a bruise on her, the you even thought spanking her was an option in the fucking first place" Lauren spits out, "That poor girls been through hell and back mom. Literal hell and this is the last thing needs after that. You know where the door is, go and show yourself out" she states before rolling her eyes and leaving the room, hearing the front door slam just a few seconds later.

Letting out a shaky sigh, she wonders back into her own room. Thankfully, the slamming of the door didn't seem to bother the youngster as she was still fast asleep in the exact same position she had been put in just minutes earlier. Smiling softly, Lauren climbs in next to her and pulls her into her arms before holding her close.

What a day this has been.


Soo...what do you think? Do you think Lauren's mom deserved what she got? Or do you think Lauren went easy on her?

Next chapter: 200 votes!

Oh, and if you haven't checked it out already, I've published a new book. It's baby Normani and Camila with mommy's Dinah and Lauren. Go check it out and tell me what you think!

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