Chapter 5

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We're finally getting into the ageplay lol. It's slow, but it'll start building up the next chapter. Enjoy!


A few days later the situation was still the same. Camila was still staying with her, she was still trying to figure out what caused her to run away, (yes, she had figured that part out during yet another breakdown) and she was still trying to get to the bottom of the girls very childlike personality.

If you could even call it that anyway.

It didn't bother her in the slightest if she's being honest, but as she was heading back to work today after taking a few days leave to sort this whole situation out, she was a little wary of leaving her by herself when she seemed so vulnerable and dependent.

Heck, she couldn't even leave the youngster by herself when she left the room to use the bathroom, so how was she going to cope being over ten miles away? She shakes her head at her thoughts, not wanting to think about it.

Sighing, she straightens up her leather jacket and gazes at herself in the mirror, tilting her head to the side slightly whilst she checks out her outfit. A dressy shirt, black skinny jeans and of course, her signature leather jacket that she constantly wore.

After one last look at herself and deeming her outfit okay, she leaves the bedroom and heads to the room Camila has been staying in, quietly peeking her head inside. Like usual, the young girl was curled up small in the middle of the bed, burrowed underneath the covers with just her face peeking out.

Lauren smiles gently at the sight before walking properly into the room, knowing that she couldn't deny the inevitable any longer and had to wake her up. Gently perching herself on the edge of the bed, she rests her hand on the younger girls back and shakes her softly.

"Time to get up sweetheart, c'mon" she murmurs quietly, bringing her hand up to remove the hair covering the girls still very sore face and tucking it behind her ear.

Camila almost immediately stirs at the touch she's become so familiar with the past few days, her brown eyes slowly opening as she turns onto her back and stretches. The action causes her shirt to ride up to just above her belly button, and with a soft chuckle, Lauren pulls it down and helps her sit it up.

"Morning my love, did you sleep good?" She questions curiously.

"Mhhh" was all Camila replies as she lays back dow again, this time, her head on the woman's lap as she closes her eyes sleepily.

Gently patting the girls side with a small smile, Lauren eases her back up into a sitting position before standing up herself and holding her hand out, "no no sweetheart, it's time to get up." She repeats, "lets go get some breakfast yeah? Then we need to go talk about what's happening for the both of us today" She adds, keeping her tone light.

Camila seems to properly wake up at that, only just noticing the woman's attire as she shyly slides of the bed and takes the woman's hand, letting herself be led out of the room.

"Am I in trouble? I didn't do anything bad, I promise" the young girl almost begs in a hoarse whimper, a bad feeling appearing in her tummy.

Lauren immediately stops in her tracks and turns round to face the now upset young girl, bringing her hand up to cup her cheeks, "you're not in trouble baby, i promise, okay?" She says simply, yet soothingly, leaning forward to place a kiss onto her forehead.

Camila hesitates for a second before reluctantly nodding her head.

Lauren smiles, "Good girl, now, what would you like for breakfast?" She asks as she continues on her way to the kitchen, the youngsters hand still tightly gripped in hers.

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