Chapter 29

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I think you guys are gonna like this chapter, enjoy!


It was now the next morning after the...upset stomach episode, and Lauren sighs heavily as she walks out of the doctors office with her hand securely in Camila's smaller one. The appointment had gone well in terms of finding out what was wrong, but that was about it.

There was no medicine she could give her to stop her from hurting when she eats or doesn't eat, there was no way to sooth her and make her feel better, she was simply told to put her on a liquid diet for a while before slowly introducing food that has some texture.

The doctor said that it was too much too soon. She had said that because she was unable to be weaned of milk when she was smaller and was given that by her dad for every meal every day, her body was unable to deal with that amount of calories she was consuming.

It was safe to say that news hadn't gone well with Camila as even though food made her tummy hurt, she liked finally being able to eat.

What had shocked Lauren to the point of not knowing what to say was how the doctor had suggested breastfeeding without a care in the world. She had said that while it would still be a liquid diet, she'd still be getting the nutrients she needed. Of course Camila wasn't fazed by it as she has tried nursing more times than she could count, but that wasn't the point.

The only reason she had told the doctor about the personal aspect of their life was just in case Camila ended up slipping during the appointment, no way in hell did she ever think breastfeeding would even be brought up let alone suggested.

But knowing that this may be the only way of Camila putting on weight, she had reluctantly agreed. So there they were, walking out of the doctors office with the pills that would help with lactation/producing milk in her hand.


Lauren snaps herself out of her thoughts and looks down to the youngster with a soft smile on her face, "what's up angel?" She wonders, coming to a stop next to her car.

"I'm hungry" Camila whispers, tears filling her eyes as she's helped into the back seat of the car. She hadn't been able to eat breakfast this morning and had only managed half a bottle of milk before her stomach started hurting again.

Lauren presses a kiss onto her head whilst buckling her in, "I know sweetheart, I'm sorry. We'll find you something when we get back home" she replies sadly, hating the fact that for the second time in her life, Camila was being denied food.

Camila seems to except this answer and nods her head, looking down at her jean clad legs.

"I love you" Lauren murmurs, gently cupping the girls cheek before running the pad of her thumb over her cheek.

Camila smiles tentatively, "I love you too mama" she whispers, leaning into the soothing touch.

After pressing another kiss to her baby's head, Lauren closes the door and heads round to the drivers side, getting in herself before buckling up her seatbelt and closing the door with a soft thud.

She turns the radio on once the car was running, and after one last sigh, she pulls out of the parking lot and begins to head home.


Considering the pills wouldn't kick in for a few more days, Lauren knew she had to improvise and find something Camila could have until then. Standing up from the couch, she makes her way into the kitchen and heads straight to the fridge, pulling the door open.

When they had walked through the front door no more than ten minutes ago, Camila had slipped almost instantly. It was no surprise that the youngster had wanted to slip way before then, but Lauren knew this part of their life was still new to her and there was still a while before she would be comfortable being little outside of the house.

Spotting some banana milk and knowing Camila loved the fruit itself, she grabs the carton out of the fridge before closing the door behind her. She grabs a bottle too, send after filling the bottle to the top and screwing the lid on tight, she wonders back into the living room sits down on the couch.

"C'mere baby, mama's got something for you" she says with a smile as she holds her arms open.

Reluctantly looking away from the tv that was showing her favourite show, blues clues, Camila crawls over to her mama and allows herself to be pulled sideways onto her lap.

The bottle was pressed against her lips and she eagerly accepts the nipple and begins to suckle softly. When the unfamiliar flavour that wasn't her normal milk hits the back of her throat, she rips attention away from the tv and looks at her mama curiously, her eyebrows furrowed.

"It's banana milk baby. Mama thought it would be a nice treat. Is it yummy?" Lauren asks softly, trying to encourage Camila to keep suckling by gently moving the nipple that was still firmly placed in her mouth.

The youngster was quick to nod her head as she starts to suckle again, her eyes closing in content. Her small hand comes up to enclose two of Lauren's fingers, and the other comes up to tightly grip onto her shirt.

Watching her baby with a small smile on her face, Lauren decides that while they were dealing with this whole food thing, she'd try and keep her little.

It doesn't take long for Camila to finish her bottle, and after burping her so her tummy ache would cause anymore havoc, she carries her outside to the communal swimming pool area to get some fresh air. She sits herself down near the shallow and and dips her legs into the cool water, and Camila, who was still stood where she was put down, hesitantly follows her lead.

She scoots as close to her mama as she can and smiles slightly when she feels an arm wrap round her waist.

"In?" She asks shyly, gesturing to the pool in front of her as she shyly looks up to make eye contact with Lauren. She'd never been swimming before.

Lauren looks down at her with a soft smile, considering her options. The girl didn't have a swimming costume, and by time they come back from the mall from getting one it would most probably be dark. But she didn't have a diaper on either, and as she was wearing a tank top and cotton shorts, Lauren deems it harmless.

"Sure angel. Let mama get in first though okay?" She says as she stands up and shrugs off her zip up sweater, tossing it onto one of the chairs people normally used for tanning. Camila nods in understanding and watches as her mama walks down the steps to the pool, the water coming up to just above her waist.

She holds her arms out once she was close enough, and the woman lifts her off of the side of the pool and into her arms. She clings onto her mama tightly and wraps her legs round her waist once the water covers her bottom half, suddenly growing extremely nervous at this new environment.

"It's okay baby. The water won't go past your chest. Look..." Lauren trails off as she carefully manoeuvres the youngster so her back was to her chest. She gently makes Camila's feet touch the floor for a second before holding onto her again, "See, you're safe here, mama has you" She reassures, repeating the action again to get Camila used to the sensation of the water covering her whole body.

Tightly gripping the arms that were wrapped around her waist, the small legs out a quiet giggle as she's bounced up and down in the water. Her cheerfulness soon disappears though when she's placed properly in the water with both feet firmly touching the floor.

She goes to cry out in fear, not liking this at all, but once she realises that the water, like mama said, was only to her chest, she allows her nerves to disappear. She was safe, she was okay.

Feeling Camila relax in her arms, Lauren gently releases her arms from her waist and manoeuvres her so they were facing each other instead, "You good?" She asks cautiously, brushing some wet hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear.

Camila nods, "Yeah mama." She mumbles as she looks around her, "swim?" She asks as she brings her attention back to the woman in front of her, stepping forward before wrapping her arms tightly round her waist.

"I think we'll do that another baby, you've only just gotten used to the water" Lauren chuckles, pressing a soft kiss to her head before returning the embrace.


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