Chapter 20

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I feel like this books gonna start to get boring if I add too much fluff, so after another few chapters, drama is gonna happen 😂 This is a pretty short chapter too so I apologise for that. Enjoy!


"Mama!" Camila cries happily when she hears the familiar sound of the front door opening. She immediately drops her toys to the floor before rushing into Lauren's arms and wrapping arms around her waist.

Lauren chuckles and drops her things to the floor before returning the embrace, wrapping her arms securely round the youngsters small frame before gently rocking side to side, "Hi baby, you been okay today?" She asks, pressing a soft kiss to her head

For the simple fact of not wanting to leave Camila by herself the whole day, she had only done half a day at work. Her asshole of a boss didn't like it, but that didn't faze her as she was resigning in a few days anyway.

Camila nods, "missed you though mama" she whispers, "up?" She adds hopefully, holding her arms up.

"Mama missed you too baby, but only two more days okay? Then mama will never leave you by yourself again without some kind of warning first" Lauren reassures as she lifts Camila up into her arms and makes her way into the kitchen, "have you eaten anything?" She asks, shifting her onto her hip.

Surprisingly, Camila nods her head, causing Lauren to raise her eyebrows.

"You did? Such a good girl. What did you have?" Lauren asks as she pulls out some things out of the fridge, wanting to make herself something for lunch as she had come home before she could eat anything at work.

"Had cereal mama" Camila replies, resting her head down onto the woman's shoulder.

Lauren goes to question her, but stops when she see's the empty bowl of cereal in the sink, "well done angel. You wanna have a sandwich with mama? Or are you too full?" She questions, pressing a kiss to the side of Camila's head before easing down onto the side.

The young girl hesitates for a second but soon nods, "p'ease mama" she whispers, bringing her hand up to tiredly rub her eye. She hadn't had her nap like mama wanted her to, and she hopes she wouldn't find out. But the raised eyebrow being sent her way was telling her that yes, mama already did know.

"Not tired" she mumbles before the woman could scold her.

"You're not huh? You rubbing at your eye is telling me different baby girl" Lauren chuckles as she grabs the bread out of the cupboard, picking up four pieces from the bag before putting it away again.

Camila whines and lightly kicks her legs, unhappy with the teasing that was being sent her way. Her mama was wrong anyway, she wasn't tired. Not even the tiniest bit.

Lauren playfully rolls her eyes, "alright alright, but I'd like young go down for a nap after you've eaten" she says, cutting the girls ham and cheese sandwich into quarters before putting it on a plate, "here you go love, eat it all up like a big girl" she adds, lifting her off the counter with her free arm before sending her off into the living room with a maternal pat to the butt.

Camila pouts, but does as she's told anyway.


"Mama, bored" Camila whines quietly against the woman's chest.

Lauren sighs lightly, "Well what do you wanna do?" She questions, running her hand through the youngsters hair. She had just woken from her nap half an hour ago and was already showing signs of being tired again. How she could still be tired after napping for two hours, Lauren wouldn't know.

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