Chapter 33

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"C'mon sweetheart, it's time to leave!" Lauren calls to the youngster she knew was still in her room as she ties up her shoes, her jacket and purse already in her grasp.

Seeing as it was the weekend, she had organised a small day out at the zoo for them both. She felt it was deserved especially after the long week they had both had, but she also knew it was a reason to get Camila out of the house for a while as she appeared to be getting restless.

No more than a few seconds later small footsteps were heard, and as Lauren looks up, she was greeted with a fully ready Camila. Seeing as she was little, she had of course gotten her dressed earlier this morning whilst changing her diaper, but the small girl had wanted to do her own hair which reluctantly, she'd let her do with the condition of not doing anything to crazy.

"Hi baby, you ready to go?" Lauren asks as she walks over to her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Camila nods with a shy grin before holding her arms up, "hold?" She asks hopefully.

Lauren playfully rolls her eyes before hoisting the youngster onto her hip. She makes sure she has everything, including the girls changing bag which held diapers and a change of clothes, and after once last glance around, she was out the door.

"Now, the drive there is pretty long so I'd like you to take a small nap. The last thing I want is to have to come home early because you turn into little miss grumpy" Lauren says with a soft smile as she unlocks her car and pulls the back door open, gently setting Camila down into it before leaning in after her to buckle her up.

Camila pouts, but nods, not wanting to have to come home early either. Honestly, she'd prefer to nurse as that's what she's been doing the past few days when it comes to nap time and bedtime, but as mama was driving, she knew that wasn't a realistic thing she could do.

"Paci?" She asks instead, knowing that was as close as she was going to get.

Lauren smiles softly, "of course baby, here" she replies as she digs through the changing bag to grab one of the many pacifiers that she had placed in there this morning. She holds it to the youngsters lips, and after she accepts the soother and begins to suckle softly, she presses kiss to her head before closing the door.

Camila closes her eyes and curls up in her seat as she feels the car start to move, but no matter what she does, she just couldn't seem to allow her body to relax enough to fall asleep. She tries changing positions, she even tries exchanging her pacifier for her thumb but without the comfort of her mama's touch, her body just wouldn't let her relax.

So petulantly, after taking her out her pacifier, she sits up and crosses her arms her arms against her chest with a pout lingering on her face.

"What's up baby? Are you not sleepy?" Lauren asks as she glances back in the review mirror for a split second, flicking the indicator with her index finger so she could change lanes.

Camila shakes her head and continues to glare at the seat in front of her.

Lauren chuckles silently, "Well I don't think the seat is to blame for that so that's enough of the glaring" she lightly scolds, "just sit quietly baby, I'm sure you'll fall asleep soon" she adds, bringing her hand back to gently pat the girls knee.

"Don't wanna s'eep" Camila whispers as she plays with a loose thread on the overalls she was wearing.

Mama thought these would be best to cover up her diaper as she didn't think she would be able to go the whole day without it. Sure, a pull-up was an option, but they were uncomfortable and didn't hold much.

Lauren sighs, "alright angel, you don't have to nap if you don't want to. Mama has her iPad and headphones in the changing bag, you're welcome to go on that if you like" she says as she quickly glances back, knowing that the youngster couldn't go the whole drive without doing anything or she'd become restless and grumpy.

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