Chapter 27

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The next morning, Lauren was up before both Camila and Dinah and was in the kitchen with her phone and coffee. To save the youngsters dignity, she had already changed her out of her wet diaper and into some underwear and pyjama pants. She was sure Dinah would be fazed by it, but she really didn't want to risk anything especially after last night.

A short while later, two sets of footsteps were heard making their way down the hall. Lauren looks up from her phone with a small smile when she sees both girls making their way through the kitchen door with their hands linked together, and after finishing the last mouthful of coffee and setting her cup into the sink, she speaks.

"Morning girls, how'd you both sleep?" She asks, pulling two bowls out of the cupboard along with some cereal and milk.

Both still looking more asleep than awake, they both nods their head in unison and sit down at the counter.

"Well aren't we talkative this morning" she mumbles teasingly, setting the two bowls of cereal in front of them before sitting down again, "anything you want to do today? Or do you just wanna stay home?" She asks as both girls begin to eat, Camila a little more tentatively than Dinah.

"Could we stay here and watch a movie?" Camila asks shyly as she pushes her still half full cereal bowl away from her, obviously signalling she was full. Dinah nods in agreement.

Lauren smiles, "Sure. Your moms coming about lunchtime anyway Dinah and there's only a few hours till then" she says as she stands, "you done?" She asks, making eye contact with Camila.

The young girl nods, and Lauren places the bowl down onto the side by the sink, ready to be washed.

"Go get yourselves dressed and ready guys and I'll set up the movie" she asks, beginning to fill the sink with water. Nodding, both girls make their way out of the room, but just as Lauren goes to dip her hands into the sink to wash up the dishes from breakfast, she was interrupted by Camila walking back into the room and wrapping her arms around her waist.

Grinning, Lauren places her hands underneath the girls armpits and hoists her into her arms, wrapping an arm underneath her butt to support her, "Hi baby, you okay?" She asks, trailing her hand soothingly up and down her back.

Camila nods against her neck and mutters a sentence Lauren didn't think she'd ever hear. It causes her to gently ease her small frame away from her so she could see if what she was saying was the truth. By the look in Camila's eyes, it was.

"I told Dinah"

Trying to snap herself out of her shock, Lauren brushes some of the bed hair out of her face and presses a soft kiss to her cheek, "you did? That's great honey. What did she say?" She asks hesitantly, once again pulling Camila close so they were chest to chest.

Camila begins to play with her mama's hair, liking how soft the texture was between her fingers, "she said she didn't mind. She said that as long as I would still be her best friend she would except me for who I am" she replies, a small smile appearing on her face at the words of her best friend.

She knew it was either tell her or let her find out herself, and she decided the former would be the better action for the simple fact she didn't want to like.

Lauren grins, knowing that this would have been Dinah's reaction anyway. You could tell from how close the two were already that Dinah wasn't one to judge people, and that was definitely a good quality to have in a friend. Along with many other things of course.

"That's good to hear angel. Were you surprised by her words? Because I knew last night you were a little worried about what her reaction might have been" Lauren asks, pressing a kiss onto the side of Camila's head.

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