Chapter 24

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I don't really like how this chapter turned out, sorry 😐


Camila's attention flickers between her mama and Dinah for the first few minutes of sitting down, feeling surprisingly okay, reassured and comforted that even though her mama wasn't holding her, she was still in the same room as her, but just as she goes to glance back at her for the fourth time, just to make sure she was still there, she was met with the empty place of where she once stood.

Without warning, her eyes begin to water, her heart begins to pound and her bottom lip quivers. Forgetting where she was for a second, she goes to cry out for her mama knowing she always came when she called, but just as she goes to take a deep breath to let all of her fear out, she was stopped by an arm on her shoulder.

Freezing in place, she turns to the touch with still watery eyes and comes face to face with a concerned Dinah.

"Are you okay?" The girl asks, removing her hand from her shoulder and taking her hand instead.

Camila goes to flinch away from the sudden touch, but she suddenly remembers how comforting Dinah holding her hand was earlier, and that causes her to grip onto it tightly.

She nods, "Yeah" she whispers, bringing a shaky hand up to wipe away the tear on her cheek. She wasn't lying, she really was okay, she just misses her mama.

Dinah hesitantly nods with a small frown, obviously not convinced, but she doesn't question it and simply brings a smile to her face instead, "there's nothing to be scared of, I'll be with you the whole day, I promise" she reassures, squeezing the smaller girls hand softly before letting go and bringing her attention to Mrs Hernandez who was now stood in front of the classroom.

Camila frowns, but nods, hesitantly looking towards the teacher too.

"Alright class, before we get started today, I'd like to introduce our new student, Camila Cabello. She'll be joining us for the rest of the year and I expect you to treat her like you treat everyone else, kindly and with respect"

At the teachers words, the other fifteen student turn round in there seats to face Camila and at all the unwanted attention, the youngster slides down in her seat embarrassedly. A few students giggle at the action, and that makes Camila want to burst into tears all over again.

Thankfully, Mrs Hernandez starts to talk again which causes everyone to withdraw their attention from her. She sighs in relief and looks towards Dinah, longing for some comfort, and when the taller girl smiles at her, she easily manages a small smile back.


It was now two pm in the afternoon and Lauren was standing by her car with a small smile on her face as she waits for the school day to properly come to an end. She thought she better come early as she hadn't had a call to go pick the girl up any time throughout the day like expected, and she didn't know what mood the youngster would be in if she were to be a second late.

When she see's the entrance doors open, and makes a move to walk towards them. No sooner can she make it more than five steps, Camila comes barrelling out of the doors and immediately crashes into her arms, wrapping her legs tightly around her waist as she whimpers a small 'mama' under her breath,

"Oh, hi baby" she greets surprisedly, hoisting Camila up in her arms slightly so she could properly hold her before bringing her attention to the Ally who was walking through the door calmly with the young girls backpack in hand.

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