Chapter 34

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Little shorter than normal, sorry guys 🤷‍♀️

Oh, and is there anything you guys want to see? If so, just drop a comment and let me know!


The two spend the next hour or so walking from enclosure to enclosure, well, Lauren walked anyway, and the grin on Camila's face grew wider each time she comes face to face with a new animal she had obviously never seen before.

Lauren loved it.

She loved it because the youngster was actually able to be a kid for once. She didn't have to worry about making a wrong move or making anyone mad, she didn't have to worry about being cautious with what she did or said, she was just simply having a good time like any child should on a day out.

Eventually though, it comes the time for them to leave. Lauren didn't particularly want to as she never wanted the grin on Camila's face to fade, but if they were to get back before the small girls usual nap time and avoid a tantrum that would surely happen if she were to skip it, they needed to leave now.

"Alright monkey, I think it's time we make a move. It's starting to get late" Lauren says regrettably as she grabs a napkin from the table and reaches over to gently wipe the orange lasagne sauce from the youngsters face.

They had stopped for lunch about twenty minutes ago.

Camila goes to protest with a pout, but when she comes to the realisation that home meant she could nurse, she nods happily and was quick to finish off her juice.

Lauren's eyes widen in shock at the simple action, expecting the girl at least disagree with her, but not wanting to push it, she sends a small smile her way instead, "Good girl. Are you done?" She asks as she begins to clear up, tossing all of the disposable things they had used into the trash can.

"Done mama" Camila confirms, bringing a hand up to tiredly rub at her eyes. She was beginning to get sleepy but was determined to stay awake for as long as she possibly could for the simple fact mama had said she could only nurse for bedtime and nap time. 

She has it in her head that if she were to fall asleep now, she wouldn't be able to nurse and would have to wait a long time until tonight. In reality she would only have to wait an extra few hours, but wasn't big enough to tell time yet and was unaware of that.

"Alright, lets go" Lauren says with a soft smile as she stands and holds her hand out, leading the youngster to the car once her smaller hand was in her grip, "did you have a good day?" She asks after a second of walking, glancing down at Camila who was slowly walking next to her.

A clear sign she was tired as normally she'd be happily skipping.

Managing a small, sleepy grin, Camila nods, "yes mama. Again?" She asks, stifling a yawn.

Lauren smiles as they stop in front of the car, "Sure baby, we can come as many times as you like." She replies with a soft chuckle as she unlocks her car and pulls the door open, gently easing Camila down into her seat before reaching in to buckle her up.

The young girl nods her head as she blinks tiredly. She was so tired and just wanted to sleep, but she knew she couldn't, not yet anyway. Her eyes subconsciously fill with tears at her own thoughts, and she could feel her big self yelling at her for being so stupid and dramatic over something so small.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asks in concern as she perches on the front of the seat and gently cups the girls cheek with her hand, releasing the seatbelt she was just about to clip into place,"Are you sleepy?" She wonders, noticing just how droopy the girls eyelids were beginning to get.

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