Chapter 42

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It was now a few hours later and both Lauren and Camila were still sat at the dining table. They'd barely spoken a word to each other, content enough to just be in each other's company but that didn't stop the nagging feeling in Lauren's stomach telling her that she needed to find a solution to this whole Matthew problem.

It was typical though, wasn't it? They were finally happy. They were finally living their lives like a normal family and he just had to appear and fuck it all up for the second time. What was confusing her though was the fact he had suddenly appeared a year after promising he would leave them alone.

What did he want? Was he trying to warn them about something?


Forcing a small smile onto her face, Lauren looks down at the young girl still sat on her lap, "what's up baby?" She asks, using her free hand that wasn't supporting the girl to brush a wet strand of hair out of her face.

Camila looks away shyly, playing her bottom lip between her teeth, "I have...milk?" She asks in a whisper.

Lauren frowns in confusion, "what do you mean love?" She asks, gently easing her head up so they were making eye contact. It was then she could see the nervousness lingering in her eyes making her frown further.

"Mama's" Camila murmurs quietly.

"Mama doesn't have any milk, remember? She let it all dry up" Lauren explains, "I can get you a bottle if you want though, hmmm?" She tries, not understanding why the want to nurse had suddenly come about again after it was Camila specifically who wanted to stop in the first place.

"No! Want mama's milk" Camila whimpers as her bottom lip quivers, not understanding why her mama wasn't letting her nurse.

"I know baby, I'm sorry" Lauren murmurs as she stands, heading over to the fridge to grab a ready made bottle before sticking into the microwave to warm up. She returns her arms around Camila, rubbing a hand up and down her back in an attempt to sooth her.

When the microwave pings seconds later, she grabs the bottle from it and heads into living room, sitting herself down on the couch with the young girl sat across her lap. She holds the nipple of the bottle to Camila's lips, hoping the nursing like action would help sooth her and calm her down.

"Mama no!" Camila cries, moving her head away and bringing her hand up to shove the bottle away from her face. She didn't want the stupid bottle! Why didn't her mama understand that?

"Alright alright, you don't have to take it" Lauren murmurs with a sigh, placing the bottle down onto the coffee table. She runs a hand through her hair and takes Camila's hand in her own when she feels the young girl begin to tug violently at the neckline shirt.

When Camila realises she was unable to get to what she wants, she lets out a sob of defeat and squirms off her mama's lap before burying her head into the couch cushion.

"Baby..." Lauren trails off defeatedly, resting her hand on the girls lower back. There wasn't any harm in letting her nurse without milk, was there? Sighing again, she shrugs off her shirt and grabs Camila underneath her armpits, tugging her back onto her lap.

Camila tries to fight it, not understanding what her mama was doing but when she notices the lack of clothes on her body, she quietens down slightly and sends her a hopeful look, tears still steadily falling from her eyes.

"Mama will let you nurse sweetheart, but I don't have any milk" Lauren explains, unhooking the front latch of her bra and tossing the item of clothing next to her. She had invested in several of these when Camila was nursing frequently to make it easier on the both of them.

Nodding in understanding, Camila tentatively latches on and allows her whole body to relax when she feels mama's all too familiar scent and taste fill her senses. She suckles, a little put out there wasn't any milk but as mama was letting her nurse, she wasn't going to complain.

Lauren sighs as she gently strokes the young girls cheek, relived over the fact she had managed to calm the her down. She wonders if this'll just end up being a one time thing or not. She guesses it might be but there's also a part of her that hopes this'll become a regular thing again too.

"See? All better now hey?" She coos softly, cupping the back of Camila's head with her hand. At the sound of her voice, Camila's eyes flicker to her and she smiles at the young girl wanting her to remain calm.

"Mine" Camila mumbles behind her mama's nipple, bringing her hand up to protectively, but gently, squeeze her breast closer to her to let her know that she didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Lauren smiles knowingly, "yours huh? Mama thought you didn't want to nurse anymore?" She asks teasingly, holding back her chuckle when Camila looks damned right offended at her words.

"Mine" she repeats firmly, sending her mama a 'stern' look.

"Yes ma'am" Lauren playfully salutes, leaning down to press a kiss onto Camila's head. Giggling quietly at her mama's words, Camila allows her eyes to close in content. She toys with the nipple that she wasn't suckling on and and lets out a soft sigh. Why did she even want to stop nursing in the first place? Was the big part of her stupid or something?

Camila nurses for a good hour, Lauren content enough to hold her the entire time and soon enough, she was aiding the girl in unlatching, exchanging her nipple for her pacifier. The youngster stirs and lets out a quiet whimper, but Lauren was quick to sooth her with soft pats to her bottom and she soon enough falls into a deep sleep.


"But I wanna go!"

Lauren sighs and brings her hands up massage her temples, "I've told you no Camila. Not after last time" she states sternly, trying to not let the pent up frustration she was feeling show.

Camila angrily stomps her foot, "But I want to go!" She yells.

"And I said no. Go and set the table please, dinners nearly ready" Lauren replies, not wanting to talk about this anymore.

Camila had been invited to Dinah's place for a sleep over with a bunch of other girls but after the whole Matthew incident, she was wary to let her out of her sight. She would have thought Camila would understand that, especially with how upset she got about it yesterday but evidently not.

"you're not my mom and you can't tell me what to do!"

Lauren freezes on her way to the pantry. Did Camila really just say that? Feeling tears burning in her eyes, she slowly turns round in place, "you know what? You're right I'm not your mother but the last I'm I checked I've been the damned closest you've had to once since you ran away" she snaps, bringing her hand up to wipe away the single tear that was steaming down her cheek, "I've been nothing but nice to you. I took you in, gave you my love and support. What else do you want from me? You want me to let you go to this sleepover even though there's a high risk something could go wrong? Where someone could take you? What would you do then huh?"

Camila flinches at the mention of her life before, her own eyes swimming with tears, "I'm sorry mama, I didn't mean it" she whimpers, taking a step forward.

Lauren shakes her head and takes a step back, "forget about it Camila. You want to go to this sleepover then go, but don't let the consequences bite you in the butt if something goes wrong" she mumbles defeatedly, turning off the oven before brushing past Camila and heading to her own bedroom.

Allowing the tears to fall steadily down her cheeks, Camila watches as her mama disappears out of sight before dropping to her knees. What had she done?


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