Chapter 40

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"You okay to go in yourself?" Lauren questions as she reaches for the girls backpack from the back of the car, holding the straps open and helping the girl slip it on.

Camila nods as she adjusts the straps so they were straight, "yes mama, 'm a big girl" she replies with a shy grin.

Lauren leans down to press a kiss onto her forehead, "alright, see you later big girl" she says as she pulls away, watching with a proud smile as the youngster happily skips into the school building.

Ever since the news of her dad being arrested had reached her, the girl had been...more independent so to speak. While she did feel proud of how far her baby girl had come, she also felt a little bit sad. That scared, terrified little girl who had arrived at her apartment months ago was no longer here, instead, it was replaced by a confident, happy little girl who was finally living her life the way a child was meant to.

It was a change definitely. Sure, Camila was still in her headspace more often than not and still wanted to nurse down to sleep every night, but even with that she appeared to want to do more things by herself. She'd become more independent with feeding herself, using the bathroom.

It was safe to say she was very proud of the person her baby had become.

Stifling back the tears in her eyes, Lauren sends one last wave to her baby before getting into her car. After all, now that she had her old job back, she couldn't be late.


Sooo...surprise? I've decided to end the book here for a number of reasons, but the main one is I didn't want to drag it on too long. I honestly have to admit that I never thought this book would grow so big. 100k reads and 11k votes? That's fucking crazy and I'm so so thankful for each and everyone one of you who voted or simply took the time to read this book.

You're all amazing, and once again, thank you ❤️

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