Chapter 11

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"Shhhh baby girl, it's okay" Lauren murmurs soothingly as she lifts the youngster into the tub, keeping an arm around her back to keep her upright as she reaches for the wash cloth. The girls fever had spiked to around 103 despite the Tylenol in her system, so to avoid any unnecessary trips to the hospital, shed decided to give her a bath.

And no, not a hot bath full of bubbles like she normally would have, just a regular bath that was luke warm. Sure, to any person who who wasn't sick, it wouldn't seem so cold, but because Camila as running a fever, a very high one at that, she knew it must feel freezing to the touch.

"No! P'ease o-out!" Camila cries between her sobs as she clings to Lauren's sweater with a trembling hand, "o-out! P'ease" she repeats as tears quickly fall down her cheeks, her cries an octave higher than before showing her desperation and dislike towards this situation.

Lauren kneels down beside the tub, "I'm sorry baby, I know it's not very nice but we have to get your fever down. You don't want to feel even more yucky do you?" She asks in hopes of calming the girl down, dipping the washcloth into the water and wetting any visible parts of her skin on the girls body that wasn't touching the bath water itself.

Camila's cries seem to worsen at this action. She was almost gasping for breath as her face turns red from lack of oxygen getting into her lungs. She coughs, trying to catch her breath as she attempts to stand up, her sobs becoming almost hysterical when she was forced back down onto her butt.

She didn't like this, she really really didn't like this.

"Mama out! Mama p'ease!" She wails desperately, her squirming becoming almost erratic as she frustratedly kicks her legs. She coughs again, almost gagging, but that didn't seem to faze her as she continues to sob heavily and cling to Lauren's sweater, soaking it.

Lauren's eyes widen at the word, but as this definitely wasn't the situation to get worked up about it, she takes it in her stride and continues trying to sooth her hysterical baby.

"In a second baby, just hang on a few more seconds then you can get out" she says, raising her voice slightly so she would be heard over Camila's cries. Just as she said, a few seconds later she was lifting the girl out of the tub and into her arms, wrapping a towel around her as she heads straight into her bedroom.

"You were such a good girl, such a big brave girl" she coos, placing herself down onto the small couch in the corner of her room with the youngster on her lap, still bundled up in the towel.

She quickly grabs the thermometer off the side and briefly sticks it into the girls ear, smiling in relief when she see's the girls fever was down to 99.

Much better.

"Mama" the girl simply whimpers as tears silently fall from her eyes, both hands tightly gripping the woman's shirt just in case she tried to put her in the cold water again.

Lauren tightens her arms round her trembling frame, "shhh, I've...I've...mama's got you" she says eventually, her voice a mere whisper. Camila seems to take comfort in her words and nuzzles closer to her chest, her eyes blinking tiredly as she sniffles.

"Lets get you diapered hey? Then we'll try and get some yummy chicken soup into your tummy" she says, hooking an arm underneath the girls legs and back before standing up and easing her down onto the bed.

Camila whimpers and reaches for her, "mama" she whispers, tears once again filling her eyes.

"It's okay baby love, I've...mama's just got to get you a clean diaper. We don't want any accidents do we?" She asks rhetorically as she grabs a new diaper from the package, making her way back to the bed.

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