Chapter 19

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Camila sits in silence the whole drive back, worried if she spoke, Lauren would snap, worried if she made any sort of noise, she'd be yelled at. She recognised the look on Lauren's face easily, her dad wore it all the time. It meant, 'I'm mad and whoever speaks to me next gets to know why'.

It terrified her. It terrified her so much that she was contemplating jumping out of the still moving car and running as far away as she could get. It was her fault Lauren was like this though. She's to blame, she knows that. She's become an inconvenience, a nuisance and she was counting down the seconds in her head until Lauren called her dad to come get rid of her.

She shifts in place tentatively, the wet diaper making itself known with the beginning appearance of a rash.

She doesn't say anything though. She doesn't complain, whine or cry, she simply deals with it knowing she definitely wasn't about to ask Lauren to change her when she was so mad. No more than a minute later, the car comes to a stop outside their...Lauren's apartment, making her freeze.

She stays in this very position while Lauren opens the door, while she gets out of the car and slams it closed behind her, it was only when the door next to her opened did she dare to move her head so she was facing the woman she was beginning to grow terrified of.

"C'mon baby, we're home. Out you get" Lauren speaks, a small smile on her face. Why was ma...Lauren still calling her that? Slowly, as not to make her mad, she unbuckles her seatbelt and climbs out of the car, letting out a yelp when she was immediately lifted into the woman's arms.

Lauren freezes herself at the yelp, unsure of what to make from it, "You want down?" She questions softly.

Camila hesitates, considering her options, but she eventually shakes her head no and tries her best to relax in the pair of arms she once felt safe in.

Nodding, Lauren let's out a sigh, closing the car door and locking it before beginning to head up to her apartment. She knows Camila was thinking the worst right now and honestly, she doesn't blame her. She herself had not spoken a word on the drive back that itself could only lead for the youngsters imagination to go wild.

"Alright, it's late. Are you feeling up to any dinner? Or would you just like a bottle?" Lauren questions softly as she walks through the apartment door and closes it behind her. She knows Camila needs a diaper change too, so without hesitation, she heads back to her bedroom where all of the diapers are kept.

"Food?" Camila whispers in question as she's led down on the bed, her voice full of hesitation and fear.

Lauren nods, "alright angel. Is there anything you'd like?" She asks, hating the fact her baby was feeling so scared right now.

She tugs the girls leggings down and tosses them to the floor before reaching for the diaper and wipes next to her, deciding that after she was done and they had both eaten, Camila and herself needed to talk as this awkward atmosphere between them just wasn't going to cut it.

Camila shyly shakes her head, "no mama" she whispers, letting out a large yawn.

"That's okay, mama will find something for us both to have" Lauren murmurs reassuringly as she tapes the clean diaper around the young girls hips. She bins what's used before washing her hands and soon enough, she's carrying Camila into the kitchen.

"What about...chicken nuggets, you like them don't you?" Lauren wonders as she pulls the freezer door open, bringing her attention to Camila who was sat on her hip as she pulls the box of nuggets out for her to see.

Camila manages a small smile and a nod, not quite feeling brave enough to say no to anything she gets asked. She hated it, because she was feeling like she had the first day Lauren had brought her home, she was feeling like that terrified little girl all over again that she once tried so hard to get rid of.

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