Chapter 35

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"Camila Cabello, if you leave this room then you'll find yourself back in the corner for the third time this morning. I don't know what's wrong with you today but it better stop and it better stop now" Lauren says firmly as comes to a stop just outside the kitchen door with her arms crossed against her chest, one eyebrow raised pointedly as if she was daring the youngster to defy her.

Today had been...hectic if she was putting it politely. She doesn't know why or how, but it was like Camila had suddenly gained a tone of confidence overnight and was now putting it into play by constantly fighting her.

In a way, she was glad, as it meant the young girl was now comfortable enough to show how she was feeling in a way that wasn't breaking down into terrified tears, but the other half wishes she could have her sweet little girl back. The girl that didn't talk back and the girl that never got into trouble.

But she knew this happening was inevitable. It happens with every kid who gets a new home with a new parent. They were testing them, pushing them to see how much they could take before they snapped. She knew by doing this, Camila was trying to see how much she really cared, she wanted to see if she would end up doing what her farther did.

Hurting her.

Stopping in the doorway, Camila turns her body round to face her mama. The pout was evident on her face, but Lauren could also see defiance lingering in her eyes too which told her the chance of Camila listening to her was low.

Defiantly, she sticks her tongue out before doing what was expected and storming out if the room.

"Karla Camila!" Lauren says sternly as she follows after her.

"Fuck off!"

Lauren's eyes widen in alarm as she abruptly stops in her tracks, trying her best to process the fact that that type of langue had just left her baby's lips.

Camila just swore. Her innocent baby that had never uttered a bad word before...just swore, and at her. What her hell? Shaking off her initial shock, she storms after the youngster feeling anger bubbling in her chest.

She knows that punishing her on instinct now would be a big no no for the simple fact she may say something she'd regret, but that didn't stop her from giving her a stern talking to.

Stopping outside the room Camila had disappeared into, she speaks, her voice showing her clear dislike towards the situation, "You have ten minutes to calm yourself down before getting your butt into the living room corner. If you're not there when I come and check on you, you'll find yourself in even more trouble than you're already in." She says sternly, "I'm so disappointed in you Camila, so so disappointed" she adds, her tone growing sad.

She waits a second, but after hearing no movement from inside the room, she heads back to the kitchen to try and calm herself down.

From Camila's antics today, it was safe to say she was beginning to reach her wits end. First, it was going through her makeup without permission while she was still sleeping, next it was hitting her on the arm when she couldn't get her way about having chocolate for breakfast, and now this.

Sure, she expected the defiance to appear eventually, but she no way anticipated it to be as bad as this. If she had, she would have prepared herself more.

Just as she leans against the counter with a coffee cup in her hand, a diaper and t-shirt clad Camila slowly makes her way into the living room looking down at her sock clad feet. By the way she refuses to look else where proves she was feeling very sorry for herself, and Lauren, not liking to see her so upset has to hold back her want to just wrap her tightly in her arms and hold her close.

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