Chapter 6

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Closing her eyes for a second to gather her thoughts, Lauren brings her attention back to the girl who was still looking at her hopefully, her eyes still shiny with tears. What did this mean? Why did Camila call her mama? Was it...intentional? Accidental?

She shakes her head softly as she silently curses herself. She'd deal with her own insecurities and thoughts later, once Camila was dry, bathed and in bed.

Completely disregarding the youngsters words to keep herself from breaking, Lauren gently hoists her up by the armpits, "pull your leggings and underwear off sweetheart, I'll go start the water" she says quietly, heading to the tub that was in the corner of the room and turning on the faucet.

She adds a decent amount of bubbles, and while the tub fills to a level she was comfortable with, she turns back round to see if Camila had done as she was asked.

She hadn't.

The youngster was still stood there clad in her wet leggings, tears now quickly streaming down her swollen cheeks making the green eyed girl sigh.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry" she whispers, bringing her hand up to softly wipe away the tears.

Camila lets out a broken sob and quickly steps forward, wrapping her arms around Lauren's waist as she buries her face in her chest. By now, Lauren felt way out of her league. She felt useless, out of her depth, way out of her comfort zone because she didn't know what to do; she didn't how to make this situation better.

Letting out a deep breath, she brings her hands up to gently pull the girl away from her by her shoulders, "Camila sweetheart, we need to get you clean okay? You're going to get a rash if you stay in these leggings and that's not going to be very comfortable for either of us" she says quietly.

Camila lets out another sob and shakes her head, "mama" she cries out almost silently, her words coming out almost inaudible due to the fact she was crying so heavily.

Lauren sighs herself as she holds the girl close to her chest, tears filling her own eyes.

"Camila, baby, please. I don't know what to do" she whispers as a single tear falls down her cheek, trailing her hand up and down the youngsters back as an attempt to sooth her.

Arms tighten around her waist.

"Do you want me to help you mhhh? Is that what you want?" The green eyed girl asks hesitantly after a second of thinking, leaning her head down to press a kiss onto Camila's head.

The youngster lifts her head up and looks at her with the same infantile eyes as earlier, her bottom lip non surprisingly still quivering. Eventually, after a few seconds of gazing at her innocently, she nods her head making Lauren sigh thankfully.

"Alright, give me a second sweetheart" The woman says as she quickly heads to the tub, turning off the water leaving it just over half full. After shrugging off her leather jacket and rolling up her sleeves, the woman kneels down in front of the youngster and tugs down her soiled leggings, her underwear and shirt following.

"Alright, in we go. Good girl" she praises as Camila sits down in the bubbly water.

Grabbing a towel from underneath the sink, she folds it up a few times and drops it to the floor, placing herself down onto it.

While she was doing that, Camila was playing with the bubbles but soon brings her attention to Lauren once the woman appears next to her, sending her a small grin.

Lauren couldn't help but grin back, dunking the wash cloth into the bath water and bringing it up to clear the girls face from snot and tears.

"There we go, all clean" she says softly, letting out a sigh.

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