Chapter 28

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This chapters crap, sorry.


After calling in sick for both Camila and herself, she sets her phone down onto the coffee table and leans back against the couch, letting out a sigh. She was still no closer to finding out the cause of the youngsters tummy ache, but she knew it had to be something semi serious as she had yet to stop crying and clutching her stomach.

"Baby, come here" she murmurs, shifting her body so she was sat leaning against the arm of the couch before holding both her arms out. Looking up from the floor with tears still repeatedly streaming down her cheeks, Camila reluctantly sits up and crawls to her mama's arms, allowing the woman to lift her onto her so she was sat straddling her lap.

She wanted so badly to slip into her headspace, but she knew her crying would only get worse as little Camila couldn't exactly comprehend why she was hurting.

"Mama" she cries softly as she lets out another broken sob, clutching desperately onto the woman's tank top.

Lauren tears up, "Shh, it's okay. Mama's so sorry you're hurting angel." she says, honestly not knowing what else to say to sooth the upset girl on her lap. She holds her close for a while, trailing a soothing hand up and down her back, but when the youngsters sobs still remain the same and get no closer to stopping, she gets an idea.

Gently easing Camila away from her front, she pulls off her shirt off and tosses to the floor. She gently pulls Camila's shirt off too, and once she tosses that one to the floor next to hers, she pulls Camila close again and hopes the skin on skin contact would help sooth her like it had done many times before.

At first, her sobs ease, her small hands coming up to grip her bra, but the calmness soon  disappears and was replaced with the youngster once again sobbing heavily. She lets out long painful wails as she squirms uncomfortably, and Lauren silently curses herself.

This may have initially been a good idea, but she didn't realise doing it would get the youngster to fully slip. Big girl Camila could easily understand why she was hurting, but little Camila definitely didn't and was making it known.

"Okay okay, it's okay" Lauren says in alarm, reaching forward to grab once of the girls pacifiers off the coffee table. She gently eases it into the girls mouth, but that deemed a useless move as she immediately spits it back out and continues crying. Letting out a heavy sigh, she allows a single tear to fall down her own cheek.

She wishes there was something she could do to make her feel better, she wishes she could trade places with her if it meant she was no longer in so much pain. But she couldn't; after all this was reality, and the simple fact was she was going to have to find a way to sooth her that was actually realistic.

Eventually though, she didn't have to do anything as Camila tires herself out and falls into an obviously painful sleep. Her face was etched with pain and even though she was asleep, the occasional tear still ran down her wet cheek.

Unfortunately for Lauren, that only lasts about half an hour before she was awake again.

Deciding that a hot bath might help ease the pain a little, she shifts over on the couch and rest her hand on the girls thigh, "hey sweetheart, lets go have a bath yeah? Then if it's still no better we'll have to take you to the doctors" she announces softly, soothingly trialing her thumb up and down before standing up and holding her arms out.

Letting out another soft sob, Camila nods her head and forces herself to sit up before leaning into her mama's touch. She'd do anything to stop it from aching.

"Shh, it's okay angel. We'll get your tummy feeling better soon" Lauren murmurs, gently manoeuvring Camila's small frame into her arms before heading straight down to the bathroom.

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