Chapter 3

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The next morning, Lauren woke at her usual time of seven thirty am. She didn't have work or anything, but her body clock got her up at this time daily no matter what she had planned. It was annoying sometimes, but it also came in handy too so she had no room to complain.

Pushing the covers back, she climbs out of bed and reaches for the hoodie sat on the end of the duvet, slipping it on over her night shirt. It was often cold in the mornings so she liked to be prepared.

On her way down to the kitchen, she quietly peeks into the spare bedroom and manages a small smile when she see's Camila fast asleep, curled up small in the very centre of the large bed, but that smile soon fades when she see's nothing but pain etched on the girls face.

She debates on waking her for a second, stuck on leaving her by herself when she was possibly having a nightmare, but after realising she probably didn't get much sleep due to going to bed so late last night, she decides to leave her be and pull the door closed again, continuing on her way to the kitchen.

When Camila hears the door close and she could no longer feel someone staring at her, she lets out a breath of relief and pries her eyes open, forcing herself to sit up. She didn't want to as this bed was the comfiest place she's slept in in ages, but she didn't want to be anymore of a burden than she was already being.

After staring into space for a while, she kicks the duvet off her legs and hesitantly slides out of bed, her legs trembling underneath the weight of her body. She ignores it though, knowing that asking for any food was a big no no. She'd learnt that the hard way too.

Just as she goes to walk out of the room, she was stopped by the door opening making her freeze in place.

Had she done something wrong?

"Morning sweetheart, did you sleep okay?" Lauren announces as she walks into her room, her one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

Camila nods. Truthfully, she hadn't slept at all, but she wasn't going to say anything about that. After all, it wasn't fair to throw all her issues on someone she barely knew.

Lauren smiles, not noticing the girls reluctance as she walks further into the room and holds her hand out. Of course Camila takes it, knowing that from yesterday the woman wouldn't hurt her. Bedsides, she quite liked the feel of maternal touch Lauren's skin gave her.

"That's great, how about we go get some breakfast? I'm sure a nice warm bath will be good too huh?" Lauren murmurs, gently squeezing the girls had as she begins to lead her out of the room.

Camila's stomach subconsciously grumbles at the thought of food, and she shyly nods her head in response to the woman's question.

"Sounds like someone's pretty hungry" Lauren chuckles gently in response to the girls grumbling tummy as they make it into the kitchen, easing her down onto the same chair she had sat in last night.

The young girl nods in agreement, not being able to remember the last time she had actually eaten something. Lauren seems to sense the desperation in her body language and smiles softly, heading straight to the already made pancakes she had cooked just minutes earlier.

She places two on a plate; not because she was being stingy, but because of how tiny the girls was. She didn't want to give her to much and have her think she was expected to eat it all of it. Her stomach was obviously tiny, and she didn't want to intentionally give the girl a tummy ache or make her sick.

"Would you like syrup?" She questions, automatically cutting the pancakes up so they were in bitesized pieces.

Camila tears her eyes away from the food and nods, "yeah" she whispers shyly, feeling excitement building in her tummy at the thought of finally getting something to eat.

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