Chapter 14

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Again, please don't hate me lol. Enjoy!


"Wait for mama sweetheart, don't run off just yet" Lauren says as she helps Camila out of the car, taking her hand in her own before pulling her round to the trunk so she could get the food, blankets and drinks out.

"Excited mama" Camila whispers, gripping tightly onto the woman's hand as she glances round with nervous eyes.

The park was empty with the exception of a few dog walkers, so it was safe to say Camila was excited to just run around and let go of some energy without a care in the world. It would probably be different it the park was full of kids. She would probably cling to Lauren refusing to let go, no matter how silly or childish it may seem.

Lauren smiles and closes the trunk, "I bet you are. What do you wanna go on first?" She questions, manoeuvring all the things they brought into one arm so she could continue holding the girls hand with her free one.

Camila shrugs and skips happy alongside Lauren, "don't know mama" she murmurs, her voice not so much loud, but not quiet like normal either.

It was definitely refreshing to hear.

"Alright baby, lets eat first, that way you can play for as long as you like, okay?" Lauren says as she comes to a stop, setting the blanket and bag of food down before sitting down herself.

Camila squirms slightly, a little unhappy at not being able to play straight away, but nods her head anyway, reluctantly sitting down next to Lauren.

"Play af'er?" She asks, just to make sure Lauren wasn't lying.

Lauren nods, "yes baby, mama's promises" She reassures, pulling out some sandwiches and a couple bottles of water.

"Right, I have ham and cheese or peanut butter and jelly. Which one sounds good?" Lauren says, holding the two options out.

Camila contemplates between the two fro a second before pointing to the peanut butter and jelly

"Good choice" Lauren smiles, handing the sandwich out for the young girl to take.

The two spend the next half an hour or so eating and making small talk, but as soon as they're done, Lauren trying her best to ignore the fact Camila had barely eaten anything, the young girl was up and on her feet, taking off toward the swings.

Lauren was quick to grab her by the hand and pull her back, ignoring the girls whine of obvious dislike as she sends her a stern look, "hey, what did I say about running off?" She says, beginning to clear up with her free hand.

Camila pouts and shrugs, looking down at her converse clad feet, "sorry" she whispers as she subconsciously feels tears fill her eyes.

Lauren sighs and releases the girls hand, "It's alright sweetheart, please don't do it again" she says, standing up and picking up the bag and blanket, "let me put this back in the car then we can go play, okay?" She says with a amused grin, holding out her hand.

Losing her pout, Camila grins and nods, taking the woman's hand and letting herself be led to the car. As soon as Lauren had put everything back into the car, she leads the youngster to the main area of the park thankful to find it empty.

"Go on then baby, go play okay?" She says as she releases the girls hand. Without hesitation, Camila nods and takes off, heading straight towards the climbing frame. She climbs it quickly, letting out a happy giggle when she quickly slides down the slide and reaches the bottom.

Finding it exhilarating, she's quick to do it again, and again, and again. Soon enough though, she see's the swings and immediately takes of towards them instead. Glancing up, she see's mama looking at her with a soft smile. Pleadingly, she reaches towards her, giving the woman the sign she wanted her here.

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