Chapter 21

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"Legally, she has to go to school. There is no other way about it and trust me, I've done enough research" Lauren says into the phone as she looks down at the laptop in her lap, clicking onto a different link hoping there would be some more information.

She hears her mom sigh, "we'll you know she's not going to take that news very well right? The poor girl will barely leave your side and mentally, she's not sixteen and won't cope in a mainstream school" she explains, obviously having had done some research of her own.

Lauren sighs, "I know mom, but if I don't send her, it's me who gets in trouble. I'm sure if I look around enough I'll find a place appropriate, but I don't know how long that'll take" she says, feeling a little frustrated.

"Well, while you look, you could tell Camila. It'll give her time to get mentally prepared. You could try a mainstream school, but-"

"Mom, the girls in diapers and has little to no bladder control. Mainstream schools a big ass no especially with some of the problems she has. She won't cope" Lauren cuts her off with a small roll of the eyes.

This time, her mom sighs, "it was just a suggestion. some research, find out about some schools that are suitable for her in the area and let me know how it goes"

Although her mom couldn't see her, Lauren nods, "Okay mom, speak soon" she murmurs before hanging up, setting her phone down with a sigh next to her as she brings her attention back to her laptop.

She'd been sat here for a total of an hour and a half and she wasn't any closer to finding a school suitable for Camila to go to. She had considered homeschooling, but as she worked five days a week, there was no way in hell she'd be able to that.

If Camila was, per say, normal, she'd be fine in a mainstream school, but as she has some underlying mental health issues that have yet to be discovered, Lauren knew she wouldn't be able to cope in that type of environment. She'd struggle to cope with her hours, the subjects, and Lauren just didn't want her to have to deal with that.

Sighing, she closes her laptop and places it onto the coffee table. She'd do some more research later, and once she finds a place suitable, only then will she tell Camila.


Two days later, Lauren can finally says she's actually found a school suitable for Camila to go to. She's done a tone of research, maybe more than necessary, and after reading some reviews about the school itself from the parents of the kids that go there, she'd made her decision.

The school itself was mainstream, but there was a special area for kids that need more one on one help to attend. Because of Camila's lack of schooling growing up, she's guessing she'll need it to catch up and be at the same level as her peers.

But her only problem now was actually telling Camila.

Sighing, she looks through to the living room with her eyebrows furrowed. Camila was already up and ready for the day, sat in front of the tv watching blues clues, and she, was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She wasn't necessarily dreading telling her, it was her reaction, the breakdown so to speak that would most likely happen that she was dreading.

Setting the two plates of toast down onto the table, she heads into the living room and crouches down in front of the small girl, resting her hand on her shoulder, "breakfast is ready angel" she murmurs with a soft smile, holding her arms out.

Eagerly, Camila climbs into the woman's arms, allowing herself to be lifted and carried into the kitchen, "Mama?" She questions softly.

Lauren looks her way, "Yes love?" She murmurs.

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