Chapter 18

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Sorry I didn't reply to any of you guys yesterday lol, I fell asleep like ten minutes after I published the chapter 😂 enjoy!

Oh, and you'll probably hate Lauren in this chapter..sorry lol


"Hey, mila, baby, why don't we go to my parents house for dinner? They've both been dying to meet you" Lauren announces as she walks into the living room, tossing her phone that she was once talking to her mother on to the couch.

Camila looks up from her place on the floor, tilting her head to the side, "they do?" She asks quietly, placing the toy she was playing with down next to her before manoeuvring herself onto her knees and crawling towards her mama.

Lauren gently grabs her by the armpits and hoists her up into her arms, "they sure do angel. Do you want to? It's okay if you wanna stay here instead though, don't think I'm forcing you to something you're uncomfortable with" she smiles softly, patting the girls padded butt to see if she needed changing.

She did.

"Do they know about...little me?" The youngster whispers shyly as she plays with the necklace hanging round Lauren's neck, reluctantly allowing herself to be led down on the bed.

Lauren smiles softly, sensing the girls nervousness, "they know of it sweetheart. I didn't go into full detail as it's not my place to do so" she responds, beginning to untape the girls diaper.

"So I don't have to be big?" Camila wonders as she sleepily rubs her eyes.

"No baby, not if you don't want to"

Camila ponders her words for a second before nodding her head, "wanna meet 'em" she whispers.

Lauren grins, "great. I'll go let grandma know. We'll go after your nap though, I don't want you missing that" she says, taping the diaper up before buttoning up the onesie that snaps at the crotch.

Camila nods her head, "you too?" She asks hopefully, grabbing the pacifier that hung off the clip attached to her onesie and putting it into her mouth, suckling softly.

"Sure angel, mama could do with a nap too" Lauren replies, pulling the covers back before climbing underneath them. Camila follows seconds later and she soon has her baby cuddled up to her side, her head on her chest.

Pressing a soft kiss to her head, Lauren lets out a content sigh and begins to run a hand through her hair.


"Ready angel?" Lauren asks as she pulls the car to a stop, glancing back in the review mirror to glance at Camila. The youngster looks to be in her own world, but as soon as she hears her mama's voice, she's immediately paying attention.

"Nervous mama" was all she replies, her tone quiet and hesitant.

Lauren unbuckles her seatbelt and turns round in her seat, "there's nothing to be worried about baby, my parents will love you, I promise" she tries to reassure, reaching out to take Camila's smaller hand in hers and giving it a soft squeeze.

Camila looks reluctant, but she nods anyway, "Okay, hold?" She asks hopefully, silently wishing she had her pacifier to comfort her. Lauren had said they could bring it with them, but she couldn't have it right now. She didn't know why though.

Lauren nods her head, "of course" she murmurs, turning back round in her seat. She pulls the keys out of the ignition before getting out of the car, closing the door behind her as she makes her way round to the back to get Camila out of the car too.

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