Chapter 44

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The next few days in the Jauregui household were hectic to say the least. Both girls never set foot outside the apartment unless it was absolutely necessary and when they were no longer in the security of their own home, they were both on edge. Camila more than Lauren.

The older Cuban hasn't heard anything more from Matthew, no phone calls no more mysterious appearances outside her door, but that didn't change how she felt about this whole entire situation. It was like the day she took Camila in all over again.

She's noticed that this has also made Camila...regress. Not just in her headspace, but outside too. She would no longer go to the bathroom by herself, she adamantly refuses to even be in a room that her mama wasn't in. It reminded Lauren of her first few days with her. How she was so scared, so vulnerable and open to anyone and anything.

Sighing lightly, she looks down at the youngster in her arms. Camila was fast asleep on top of her, her head on her chest and her legs curled up so she was effectively straddling her waist. She had been in this position ever since she had fallen asleep over a few hours ago.

She had nursed of course, that being the only thing that would even get her to close her eyes. A faint knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts, and with her heart thudding loudly in her chest, she leans up on her elbows almost as if she was trying to gage who it was by sound alone. Thankfully, Camila doesn't stir at this and stays contently asleep against her shoulder.

It was silent for a few seconds which causes her lay back down, but when she hears the knock again, she knows that she was going to have to see who it was. Taking a deep breath to try and ease her nerves, she stands up with Camila in her arms. Sure, leaving her to sleep would probably be the ideal thing to do, but there was no way in hell she was going to leave her by herself.

Tightening her grip around her baby, she makes her way down the hall and comes to a stop when she reaches the front door. Another knock fills the silence, startling her, and with her own teary eyes, she peeps through the peep hole.

Oh thank god.

Unlocking the door, she practically rips it open and throws herself into her mothers arms, well, as much as she could with Camila in her arms anyway.

"Thank god it's just you" she whispers.

Clara hugs her daughter back before pulling away with her eyebrows furrowed. Her immediate want was to take her grand baby into her arms, but Lauren's words had ultimately stopped her in her tracks, "What do you mean?" She asks, walking inside the apartment before closing and locking the door behind her.

Lauren runs a hand through her hair and gently shushes Camila when she stirs and lets out a soft whine by bringing her hand up to rub soothing circles on her back, "it's a long story mom" she responds with a light sigh.

"I have time" Clara says amusedly, a little put out by her daughters weird mood.

"Uhh, just let me lay her down and we'll go into the kitchen and talk" Lauren murmurs, not waiting for her mom to reply as she lays Camila down on the couch. The youngster stirs, but soon quietens down when the familiar shape of her soother gets placed into her mouth.

After covering her up and placing a soft kiss to her head, Lauren takes her moms hand and leads her into the kitchen. It was then she lets herself break. She spills everything, from her irrational fear of Camila being taken to the way Matthew was once again messing up her life. To Camila's dad being arrested to them both living in fear of something bad happening. When she had spilled it all, she allows the first tear to fall down her cheek.

"I just...I don't know what to do mom. We were finally happy and he just had to ruin it again" she whimpers, letting out a sigh of relief when she was pulled into the comforting, familiar arms that were her mothers.

Clara's hands cups the back of her daughters head, "it's okay baby. Have you spoken to the police?" She asks.

Lauren shakes her head, "no, there's nothing they can technically do since he's only appeared once. He's not harassing us or anything it's just, we know what he's like, what he's capable of doing. He's already tried taking her once and I don't want it to happen again." She replies in a whisper, another tear falling down her cheek.

"Sshh." Clara soothes, "Im going to stay with you for a little while okay? That way you can still go to work and do what has to be done without worrying about anything happening to the little one." She comforts.

"You'd do that?" Lauren asks quietly as she pulls away from her mother, wiping off her cheeks with the palm of her hands.

"Of course" Clara confirms with a soft smile.

Lauren runs a hand through her hair, "do you want me to go wake her?" She asks, managing a small smile of her own.

"I'd love that"

Nodding happily, Lauren looks into one of the mirrors to make sure any evidence of her crying is gone before heading into the living room. Camila was still in the exact same position she had put her in and gently, as not to startle her, she crouches down and rest a hand on her back.

"Camila, wake up baby girl there's someone here to see you" She calls softly, smiling when the young girl on the couch stirs and blearily opens her eyes.

"Mama?" Camila whispers hoarsely as she rolls onto her back and stretches, her whole body aching from laying in the same position for so long.

Pulling the girls shirt down so it was once again covering her tummy, Lauren lifts the girl up into her arms and holds her close, "Yeah baby, it's mama. There's someone here to see you" she repeats, just in case she wasn't heard the first time.

Camila lets put a soft sigh as she snuggles into her mama's chest, "who?" She questions in a whisper, her eyes drifting shut again.

Lauren chuckles softly. "Your grandma" She replies, jostling the girl to stop her from falling back asleep. She also pulls the girls soother out of her mouth and places it onto the coffee table knowing that if she had any chance of weening her off of it during the day, she couldn't have it constantly.

The youngster pouts at the action, but doesn't have the strength to fight her mama and simply lets out a soft sigh, "g'andma?" she questions hopefully as she plays with the collar of her shirt, a bubble of excitement filling her tummy at the thought of getting to see her grandma again.

"That's right baby, she's in the kitchen." Lauren replies as she stands, shifting Camila onto her hip. She carries her into the kitchen and almost immediately, she throws herself into her grandmas arms. Thankfully, her mom seemed to have expected it and catches her without trouble saving Lauren from a near heart attack.

"Hi angel. Grandma missed you" Clara smiles, pressing a kiss onto Camila's head.

The young girl grins and hooks her legs tightly around her waist, "miss you too g'andma" she says happily, her hand coming up to tangle itself into the woman's soft hair.

While Camila was occupied, Lauren gets to work with putting together a quick and easy lunch, taking advantage over the fact she was finally able to move without seventy extra pounds attached to her hip. Literally.


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