Chapter 31

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Camila sighs when she turns over into her stomach for the third time in ten minutes, gazing at the corner of her dark room with a concentrated look on her face as she tries to gather her thought that were running wiled. She'd been put to bed about an hour ago at her usual bedtime of nine o'clock but for some odd reason, she'd yet to actually fall asleep.

Her cheek hurt from the fight, and the guilt from not completely telling the truth was practically eating her alive. She didn't mean to lie to mama, honestly, she really didn't, it just slipped out of her mouth before she could stop herself and she's been second guessing that mistake ever since.

She's been telling herself she did it because she was scared of being even more punished than she already was, but she knows that being scared wasn't really the best excuse for lying to someone, especially mama.

But how would she react if she told her she had retaliated? Surely she would hate her as she said she didn't tolerate any violence, especially in this house hold, and pushing someone counted as violence, didn't it?

Letting out a shaky sigh, she shifts onto her back and once again finds herself staring up at the ceiling. She lets a single tear fall from each eye, and she feels both run down the sides of her face so slowly it almost tickles. As her bottom lip quivers and even more tears threaten to fall at just the thought of how much trouble she'll be in if she told the truth, she forces herself to take a deep breath to try and force them back knowing that crying would only be pointless.

Why did Normani have to be so mean?

Deciding that actually, she wanted her mama's comforting touch, she kicks the off the covers and sits up before tentatively sliding off the end of her bed. She leave her covers askew as she walks out of the room, not having the effort of energy to make it like she normally would, and anyway, mama might not want to comfort a liar and she might be sent back to her own bed.

When she makes it to mama's room, she peaks in the already open door and just like expected, finds the woman asleep. She hesitates at this, not knowing whether or not she had the guts to wake her, but turns out she didn't have to as just a few seconds later, mama sits up, obviously hearing the cries she was trying so hard to repress.

She flinches back slightly, "s-sorry mama, I didn't mean to wake you" she apologises, taking a small step back.

"Mama wasn't asleep baby, c'mere" Lauren replies with a soft, tired smile as she sits up on her elbow and pulls the covers back. Camila lets out a quiet breath of relief at the simple action and almost runs to the familiar arms, climbing onto the bed and getting as close as she possibly could.

Lauren pulls the covers back over them and lays down again, pulling the youngster with her, "There we go, c'mon, lets get comfy" she murmurs as she closes her eyes and pulls Camila's small frame close to her chest, sliding an arm underneath her side in order to get comfortable herself.

Camila curls as close as she could to her mama's chest, throwing a single arm and leg over her side. She grips tightly onto her shirt with her free hand, and once she deemed she was close enough, she forces herself to try and turn off her thoughts so she could close her eyes.

"Love you mama" she whispers after a few seconds of silence, not really knowing why she felt so close to crying all over again at those three simple words. Maybe it would be the last time she would say them before mama found out the truth and hated her.

Lauren cups the back of the youngsters head with the arm that wasn't stuck underneath her and runs a soothing hand through her hair, "Mama loves you too angel, now c'mon, its late and it's time for us both to go back sleep. We'll talk tomorrow okay?" She replies, leaning down to press a kiss against her warm forehead.

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