Chapter 48

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Matthew visibly shudders at the sound of his voice. It was familiar, yet not, and it sent chills down his spine. "I did as you asked, but the minute she saw me she practically slammed the door in my face. There was no sign of the kid Alejandro" he states, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

Camila's farther smirks at his words, his hands grasping the knife that sat on his desk as he rises to his feet. This was what he wanted. For Lauren to be scared. After all, it was the only way he'd get his kid back. He had been out of prison for a while not. Not legally of course, but what was something he'd worry about later.

"Prefect. Now, I need you to do something for me Matthew. Are you...willing to do this in return for your life?" He grins evilly, walking to where Matthew was on the chair opposite and trailing the top of the knife against his neck, his hand strong, showing that his intentions to kill him were pure if he was to disagree.

Trying to hide the tear that falls down his cheek, the trembling man nods.

"I need you to get close to her. Get her to trust you, make her believe you have no intention of hurting her nor Camila. Once that's done, you will bring her to me, and I will deal with it from them on. Do you understand?" Alejandro speaks, his voice full of venom.

"Yes yes of course" Matthew spits out, inching away from the knife that was still threateningly trailing down the skin of his neck.

"I'm glad we understand one another. Just know, if you fail to do as say, if you run, I'll find you, and I'll kill you. That is not a threat, that is a promise I intend to live up to if you go back on your word. Now go, you have a month" the older man once again spits out with venom as he hoists Matthew up by the back of his shirt, guiding him roughly towards the front door of his 'office'.

Once the door closes, Matthew lets out breath of relief. First things first, he had to think of a plan. And a freaking good one at that. This wasn't going to be easy, but he had to do it. He couldn't die, not yet.


"Camila, sweetheart. Come here please!" Lauren calls as she closes the laptop that was sat on her lap, placing it off to the side with a light shove just as her baby wonders into the room, bottle in hand.

"Hi baby, come sit with mama" she states softly, holding her arms out as she shifts herself so she was sat against the headboard of her bed.

Grinning, Camila doesn't hesitate to rush into her mama's arms. Once comfy and situated, she hands her bottle over and looks at her pleadingly.

Wrapping her arms around Camila's small frame, one under her and the other on top, Lauren takes the offered bottle, "you want mama to feed you?" She asks in a soft coo, gently stroking her cheek with her pointer finger.

Camila nods her head, almost shyly. She didn't know why mama still made her feel like this when she was little. It had been over a year, she should be used to it by now.

Lauren smiles, "of course. Open up for mama" she says softly, placing the nipple of the bottle to Camila's lips, her smile widening slightly when her baby latches on without hesitation, suckling in earnest.

Leaning down, Lauren pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. Camila smiles behind the nipple of her bottle at the maternal action, her hand coming up to grip the top of her mama's shirt as if she was trying to get as close as possible to her.

Lauren encourages her. Using the hand that was underneath her supporting her to pull her closer to her body. There was no space in between them, not even the tiniest bit and that was just how they both liked it. Especially Camila.

The young girl craved touch and comfort no matter which headspace she was in. She loved to he held, kissed, cuddled. It was something she lived for after being deprived of it for so long and Lauren gave it to her without question.

After all, she knew what it was like to feel unloved.


Matthew stares off into the distance as he watches both Lauren and Camila run around the park. He was sat a few hundred yards away from them on one of the many benches. Close enough to see what was going on, but not close enough to be seen.

It had been a week since his talk with Alejandro and he's yet to formulate a plan to get Lauren to trust him. He's considered turning up at her door again, to apologise, to try and get her to forgive him, but he had eventually decided against it after he realised that would he to predictable. That Lauren would be expecting it and it'd just be pointless.

If you're thinking he wanted to do this, well, you're wrong. He didn't. He really really didn't. This was the last thing he wanted to do to the two Cubans but he didn't have a choice. He didn't want to die, he couldn't die, not what after happened to his brother. He couldn't end up like him. Six feet under.

A squeal brought him out of his thoughts and he looks up just in time to see Lauren swinging Camila round in her arms, the small girls legs hooked round her waist and her arms hanging next to her as she's spun round in circles. Lauren too had a grin on her face, telling him that she was enjoying this just as much as the younger girl.

He continues to watch as Lauren comes to a stand still and pulls Camila close to her, holding her close like she was the most precious thing in the whole entire world.

To her, she probably was.

Could he really do this? Pull Camila way from one of the only important things she has left in her life?

His head was telling him yes, that he had to, that he had no choice. But his heart was telling him no. That he couldn't put Camila through being abused again by someone who helped bring her into this world. To someone who claimed to love her her yet did the most vile things imaginable to her.

Eyes filling with tears, he watches as Lauren presses a lingering kiss to Camila's forehead before beginning to walk the opposite direction to him.


He couldn't do this to her.

Not again.

Not after what she's been through.

Having his mind made up, he rises to his feet and heads to his car. He starts the engine with a trembly hand, well aware of what was to come. He didn't care though. Not anymore. He'd easily sacrifice himself time and time again if it meant doing no harm to the people around him.


Sorry this is so short loves. Not really in a good place at the moment so writing is probably the last thing on my mind. Updates will still be happening though, just not as often as my mental health is going to come first.

Anyway, tell me what you think 💜

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