Chapter 25

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The very next day, Lauren once again finds herself waiting outside the school gates for Camila. Thankfully, the youngster had now excepted school was part of her schedule and went in with ease this morning, giving Lauren some much needed time to get the house work done.

Last night had gone easier too, mainly because Camila seemed to be the littlest she'd ever been and was content with just being held. She didn't want to play, watch tv, or do anything else productive, and Lauren found herself liking very little Camila for that very reason.

What did get her though was how the small girl subconsciously tried to nurse in her sleep again. Despite the fact she had a shirt on, she still managed to suckle on the skin through the thin material. Lauren promised herself that the next time she had a free moment, she would talk to her about it.


Whipping her head up from her phone, she was greeted with a grinning Camila running towards her at full speed. Her eyes widen slightly, the girls fast pace only giving her a few seconds to pocket her phone before she crashes into her arms, causing her to tsk a few steps stumbling backwards.

"Well hello there happy girl, did you have a good day?" She greets fondly as she hoists Camila up into her arms, allowing her small legs to wrap around her waist for support before bringing her hand up to brush away a few strands of hair from her forehead.

She was still clad in the romper she'd been dressed in this morning, the pull-up Lauren had reluctantly put her in protecting it from any inevitable accidents. She wasn't going to put one on her as she thought the accident yesterday was out of fear and not Camila being Camila and forgetting to go, but whilst changing, the youngster had admitted she'd feel safer with protection on and who was Lauren to tell her no?

The youngster nods quickly, "yes mama. We did math and spelling. Mama, mama guess what?" She speaks animately, her hand beginning to play with the woman's hair.

Lauren starts to walk, "What baby?" She chuckles with a hint of surprise in her voice, not having seen this side of her baby before.

"Dinah's my best friend. She really is mama, she said so herself" Camila replies with a grin, starting to let herself slip now that she was finally done with her long day at school.

Lauren senses this and nods along to the young girls words, "wow, a best friend huh? Such a lucky girl" she says in a soft coo as they come to a stop next to her car, unlocking it and opening the door before setting the smaller girl down into the seat. She securely buckles her up before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Camila nods in agreement. She was lucky. She had never even had a friend before, let alone a best one and she was determined to be good and not mess it up.

"Still wanna go for ice cream my love?" Lauren asks as she gets into the drivers side.

Camila bites her bottom lip, "can I be little?" She asks shyly.

Lauren smiles softly, "of course angel. Just sit tight and we'll be there soon" she replies with ease before starting the car and taking off towards the mall.

A few minutes into the drive Camila speaks again.


Lauren glances back in the review mirror, "hmm?" She replies, her attention on the road.

"Can...can Dinah have a sleepover tomorrow?" She asks hesitantly, looking down at her hands like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

Lauren bites her lip in consideration as she stares at the car in front of her, not knowing whether or not it was a good idea to bring someone into their home they barely knew when they were both still getting used to each other. Was it safe? Would there be fights or arguments? And what about her little space? Will she be able to stay out of it for twenty four hours without any accidents or slip ups? Would she be able to sleep by herself?

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