Chapter 9

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"Alright sweetheart, lets go chill on the couch for a little while mhhh? Have some quiet time" Lauren murmurs after a few minutes of holding the youngster close, bringing her and up to run through her long hair to get her attention.

She felt it was best to not disrupt the girl while she was thinking, especially when she knew the girl was slipping between head spaces obviously trying to decide which she felt more comfortable in.

It was going to be a long process and was going to take a lot of adjusting, she knew that.

Camila lifts her head up from the woman's shoulder and nods, slowly, yet hesitantly brining the soother back up to her mouth. She decided that right now, she didn't want to be big. Sure, she was still a little unsure on how old she felt, but she was sure her body would help sort that out once she was more accustomed to a proper routine.

Lauren smiles and gently pecks the girls head, "alright, let's go. You wanna pick a movie?" She asks, beginning to walk into the living room.

Camila nods her head, "Moana?" She questions softly, her voice muffled as she curls up small on the couch. She had spotted that movie earlier when Lauren had let her watch Netflix, the picture immediately grabbing her attention.

"Sure bug" Lauren replies with a smile as she turns on the tv, grabbing the controller and selecting Netflix. Moana was on the watch again list, (shhh) so she selects it and places herself down onto the couch next to the youngster.

Camila immediately curls up in her arms and rests her head against her chest, her eyes blinking tiredly as she stares at the tv which as playing the very beginning of the movie. When she feels arms wrap around her securely, she smiles and if possible, curls up closer.


The next morning, Camila was up first at just the crack of dawn. It wasn't that she wanted to be awake or anything, but her bladder had other plans and was telling her to get up to use the bathroom before she wet herself.

She goes to kick off the covers and climb out of her nice, warm bed, but was stopped by the realisation dawning on her that she was wearing a diaper. Should she? She quickly shakes her head at her thoughts. No, she couldn't, not now, it was too soon.

After fumbling with the tapes of the diaper of a few minutes and not being able to take it off, she stomps her foot frustratedly. Stupid freaking diaper. Did it want her to wet herself?

"You okay there sweetheart?"

At the all too familiar voice filling the room, she freezes in place and slowly looks up from her crotch. Worry fills her eyes when she feels the tinge in her bladder grow stronger, and she subconsciously squirms in place.

"I need...I need to go" She murmurs, biting her bottom lip.

Lauren frowns and walks further into the room, uncrossing her arms and letting them fall to her sides, "then go bubs, it's okay" she replies softly.

Camila quickly shakes her head, "I-I can't" she whimpers, once again trying to tug at the tapes of the diaper.

Lauren frowns but nods understandably, crouching down to help the girl. She gently moves her hands out of the way but stops in her tracks when she feels Camila freeze and start to tremble.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry!" Camila cries, bringing her hands up to protect her face as she lets out the first broken sob. She cries out in fear when she feels arms grab her, but she relaxes when she feels the arms softly wrap around her trembling frame.

"Sshh, it's okay. I'm not mad and I definitely won't hurt you" Lauren assures, tightening her arms slightly as she presses a soft kiss onto Camila's head, "there's no way I'll ever ever hurt you" she adds softly.

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