Chapter 8

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"Camila! Mails here sweetheart!" Lauren calls loudly as she walks through the apartment door, her arms holding a large box obviously filled with the items she had purchased a few days ago.

She had just got back from work and had met the delivery man just outside the block of apartments.

She closes the door behind her with a soft click just in time for the youngster to come rushing down the hall, her hair a mess and the sweatshirt she was wearing falling off of her shoulder.

"Everything's here?" She asks in a shy whisper, gazing innocently, yet excitedly up at the woman.

Despite living with her for just under a week and despite slowly being brought into a routine, Camila was still nervous with everything she did. She was coming out of her shell slowly though, and Lauren hoped with this small push, she'd get to see who Camila really was a person.

"Yep. Lets go look together hey?" She asks, waiting for Camila to nod before leading her into the living room. She sets the box gently down onto the coffee table before bringing her attention to the youngster, wrapping a comforting arm around her waist.

"You wanna open it?" She asks, trialing her thumb soothingly up and down her hip.

Camila hesitates before softly shaking her head, "you do it Lolo" she murmurs, glancing nervously between the woman and the box that seemed to be taunting her.

Lauren smiles and presses a soft kiss onto the girls head, moving her arm from her waist so she could open the box properly. She uses her car keys to rip the tape, and soon enough, she's pulling the lid of the box open and setting her keys back down onto the table.

"Can i?" Camila asks nervously as she reaches towards the box, her other hand heading towards her mouth so she could suckle on the edge of her thumb.

Lauren nods, "of course baby, go ahead" she replies, sitting down on the couch just a few steps away from where Camila was stood.

The girl was visibly nervous, any sane person could see that. By the way her hands was trembling, by the way she was shifting foot to foot. If Lauren wasn't so nervous herself, she would probably find the situation cute. She watches intently as Camila reaches into the box, pulling out a small package, and when the youngster looks at her shyly, her had grasped tightly around the item, she holds open her arms and allows the girl to sit on her lap.

"Lets open it together" she murmurs, gently taking the package from the girl. She rips the top open and holds it out for Camila, and when the youngster pulls the two pacifiers they had ordered, she manages a small smile herself. The small girl was obviously in aww, her attention never leaving the items in her hand, but as soon as she instinctively pulls the item towards, Lauren gently stops her in her tracks.

"No no baby, we need to wash it first" she says, her heart breaking when she's met with a teary eyed Camila.

"Shhh, let me go wash it real quick, okay? I won't be a second" she says, gently easing Camila down onto the couch before quickly walking into the kitchen. She makes quick work of washing one of the pacifiers off with soap and water, and as soon as she had dried, she makes her way back into the living room.

"See, there we go" she murmurs softly as she sits back down onto the couch, easily welcoming the youngster back down onto her lap before holding the nipple of the pacifier to her lips.

Camila makes eye contact with her for a second, her eyes showing the same infantile look Lauren has become all to familiar with the past few days, and slowly, with only a small bit of hesitation, she excepts the soother.

She suckles almost indecisively on it for a few seconds before nodding happily. Yes, she definitely liked this.

"Is it okay?" Lauren asks after a few seconds, tucking a strand of hair behind the girls ear. Camila sends her a wide grin behind the pacifier, silently letting her know that yes, it was okay.

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