Chapter 30

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A few days later, Lauren once again finds herself walking through the now familiar corridors of Camila's school. This time though, it wasn't because she was picking her up after a long day, it was because she had got a school about an hour ago claiming that Camila wasn't having a very good day and needed to go home.

She had expected something like this to happen so to say she wasn't really surprised was an understatement, after all, the youngster had put up a fight and a half getting out of the door this morning. She was just glad work wasn't busy or she'd have yet another boss on her ass.

Coming to a stop at the reception desk, she was greeted with obviously, the receptionist, who looked up from her computer with a curious look, "Hi, I'm here to pick up Camila Cabello?" She says, pocketing her phone into the back of her jeans.

The woman nods, "of course, she's currently in the isolation room. I'll go get her for you, just give me a second" she says, sending a soft smile Lauren's way as she stands up and heads towards one of the doors that were a few feet away.

There were signs above them. Isolation 1, and Isolation 2.

Lauren nods at her words, and before she could really blink, she was met with Camila being lead out of one of the rooms.

The young girl was looking down at her feet as she walks, not making eye contact with anything or anyone around her and that was the first sign she could tell something was very wrong. Normally, she ran to her arms without hesitation, no matter what mood she was in.

"C'mere angel" she murmurs softly once the two had stopped in front of her, holding her hand out for the youngster to take. Thankfully, she takes it, but she still doesn't make eye contact and refuses to bring her attention away from her shoes.

"What happened?" She asks the woman as she looks up from her baby, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she reassuringly squeezes her smaller hand.

"I'm afraid miss Camila here got into a bit of a fist fight. We're unsure on who started it or why it happened as both girls have refused to talk, but they've both been excluded for the rest of the day"

Lauren's eyes widen, and she's quick, but careful, to cup the girls chin and ease her head up so they were making eye contact. She was met with a bright red mark that was sure to form a bruise sat on the girls left cheek, and she lets out a sigh of frustration.

After thanking and saying goodbye to the receptionist, Lauren was leading Camila out to the car with a blank look on her face. She couldn't believe it, she actually couldn't believe it. Her Camila, her innocent little Camila had actually gotten into a fist fight. A fucking fist fight.

Sighing, she pulls the car door open and allows Camila to slip inside before following her lead, "I want you in the corner when we get home. I don't know what possessed you to get into a physical fight with somebody, but I don't tolerate violence of any kind" she says sternly as she reaches in to buckle the girl up.

Camila nods ashamedly with tears burning her eyes, and she looks down at her lap not having the guts to make eye contact or defend herself by tell her side of the story. She didn't think mama would listen when she was so mad anyway.

Despite the girl being in trouble, Lauren knows she didn't want Camila being terrified of her, so letting out a sigh, she presses a soft kiss to her head before closing the car door behind her and getting into the drivers side.

Camila doesn't move a muscle or make a sound during the whole drive back, scared that if she gave Lauren another reason to be mad at her, she'd leave again, scared that if she interrupted her thoughts, she'd hurt her. Sure, a part of her brain remembers Lauren promising she'd never lay a hand on her, but the other part also remembers her storming out of the apartment when she was bad last time.

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