Hello/How Are You?

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*Eva surprisingly gets a notification*

*Eva surprisingly gets a notification*

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Eva: Huh, there we go. *cups hands together* YO SANS!!!!

*all Sanses look to her.*

Eva: How are y'all?

Classic: Eh, kinda boned.

Edge: Seriosuly bro? That was corny. Even for me. And I'm as good as i can get I guess.


Sci: Well, I suppose I am alright!

Assy: I'm fwine! Wight Pappy? *he looks to his left, as if talking to someone. Nobody is there.*

Geno: Hey, I ain't dead yet so that's good.

Reaper: Yet~

Geno: Babe, we talked about this.

Reaper: I know. And by the way, I feel killer. In a good way.

Error: wHo cAReS?!

Nightmare: A little dark, a little gloomy. But hey, as always, full of negative emotions!

Dream: Lots of people are happy right now, so I'm happy!

Ink: Inspired. I have an idea for a really cool new universe but since I'm in the truce I can't  make it. I'll probably have Eva write it while I draw it and make it into a book. *has paint smeared where hisnlower lip would be.*

Fresh: Yo yo what is up my diggity dog! Staying Fresh like always!

PJ: *giggles a little* Mr. Fresh! I'm fine, like always. When I have Mommy, Daddy, And Mr. Fresh around I can't be sad!

Goth: Well, it's always fun around here! I've been learning to use my scythe too! Plus, I have Palette around!

Palette: *tries to hide rainbow blush but fails* Well, I'm great! I get to be around gothy and I get to draw a lot! Things are really fun here!

Eva: Andy I bet you don't care about how I am so that's it! All the sans are feeling great! 

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